Forum Discussion

Thehiddenreturn's avatar
3 years ago

This Insulting is insane and something creepy just happened!!

I'm on vacation at the world that comes with Cottage Living, it has a rental lot, which by the way does not have a tv or just about anything to raise your sims fun. But anyway, the Insulting has almost ruined the relationship my husband sim and wife sim have together, I'm sitting in chairs talking back and forth cautiously picking each thing they speak about to try and rebuild the relationship, and every two or three items in the que and an insult or yell at appears and I have to remove it before it activates. Our relationship romance bar is 100 percent full in the red, and our friendship bar was about 20 percent full in the red. I was afraid something would happen big like the relationship would end, or a divorce would be triggered. The people that make the sims need to have better testing done on their content before they release it...this insulting is too much, did they even test at all.?.
So, something creepy happened not long ago well actually during the vacation I'm playing right now, it really felt creepy to me when I fully realized what happened. I received a text from Dorian Lee, who is my wife sims son who lived outside the household as a npc. Wife being Liberty Lee. Notice I said whom lived.... see he died about an in-game week ago, yet somehow sent me a text. I found out about his death and visited his house lot and found his grave and mourned and even wrote something on the tombstone. Just a bug or something I guess but anyway for a few moments it was truly creepy.
  • The autonomous insulting is a bug. It was supposed to be fixed in a patch last week but they had to pull the fix and wait another week or two. It's a high priority issue at least. 1,540 people have clicked Me Too on this one, and there are over 1000 comments on the bug thread :o

    As for your dead, yes, they still exist in ghost form! Ghosts can be socialized with, although you can't necessarily call them up and ask them to go somewhere with you, you have to wait for them to contact you. If you spend time on the lot with their tombstone at night, you're more likely to see them then. Ghosts can even be added to your household (if you put their tombstone on your lot) and then you can play them.

    Unplayed ghosts will be culled from the game eventually. If you want the ghost completely gone from your game sooner than that, you can visit the tombstone and choose "release to netherworld".
  • @mightysprite good day, what you said was really interesting to me, you said you can put their tombstone on your lot and see them as a ghost, and that ghost can contact you, see I didn't know any of that. The tombstone is on his home lot planted on the ground how do I get it to my lot??? and what does it mean when a little notification comes up on your screen at the top right that says Sos an Sos spirit is fading. What are you supposed to do in that situation? Thanks
  • cyncie's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    @AlienTusks Ghosts will visit whatever lot their tombstone is on, usually at around midnight. They don’t come every night, though, so you have to be persistent. When you see the ghost, you can interact with them. Increasing your relationship with them will give you the option of adding them to your household, which makes them playable. If you don’t want them around, you have the option of selecting “release to the netherworld.” That essentially culls the ghost NPC. With time, a ghost that’s not played or interacted with will be culled. The “spirit fading” message is a warning that the ghost is losing its connection to the human world and will be forever gone if there isn’t any interaction. You can help by selecting “strengthen connection to physical world” on the tomb. To move the tombstone, see if it will let you put it in your sim’s inventory. Sometimes that works for me, other times it doesn’t.

    If you want to go the route of resurrecting the ghost, there are several ways in game to do it. You can have a sim learn how to make ambrosia and have a ghost eat it, which will restore their life. A ghost sim can wish for life at the wishing well from the Romantic Garden pack. If you have Realm of Magic, a spellcaster can cast Necrocall to bring the ghost from the grave and Dedeathify to return the ghost to life. To prevent losing future sims, have a sim complete the best selling author aspiration. This unlocks the ability to write the Book of Life and bind it to a sim. It can then be used to resurrect them if they die.
  • s_stutler's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    The Insulting or "Mean Bug" as its being called truly makes the game unplayable.

    As someone else already mentioned, they're planning on releasing a patch to address it soon, in the meantime, if you're on PC, you can Mod it until they fix it. BossLadyTV on Curseforge has a mod which address "the mean bug" ... it isn't perfect. As in, if your Sims aren't DEEPLY in love or BEST friends, they'll still have a random mean interaction. BUT.. ITS NOTHING like it was.

    I can actually play with my game now. Hopefully you're on PC, and you can download this Mod, and then you can play again too.

    ..... if not, hang in there! A patch is coming... any day now....