Forum Discussion

YellowJane's avatar
7 years ago

Thoughts On Aging / Lifespan

Hi everyone!

I'm playing my game A LOT right now and so on normal lifespan, I'm almost feeling rushed in my storylines, what I want to do with the Sims etc. I'm considering either temporarily turning aging off or moving to the long lifespan for a bit, and I wanted advice/opinions!

I also wondered - if I switch to Long Lifespan, what happens to my Sims who are halfway through young adult or anything like that? Does it just find the closest alternative or..? Also, if I switched aging off for a week, then switched it back on, would that count as days to my Sims lifespans once they become elders or is it basically completely discounted time?

Sorry for dumb questions, just I've only ever played on Normal Lifespan before and changing it up is almost frightening ;) What are your aging and lifespan preferences?

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