I'm not sure on specific times.
CAS depends on what I'm doing when I just want a build save I might randomize a couple things and set everything in a few minutes, then my own sims I don't feel I spend that much time on trying to recreate sim versions of characters as closely as I can. that takes longer.
There have been times when tiny builds haven't taken that long but I have spent anywhere from several hours to multiple days on builds.
Modifications of townies, houses, or locations anywhere from a few minutes to an hour but I don't really do much with townies there are times when I might tweak one or two outfits and change if they can get pregnant or not and that only take a few minutes. Builds...depends on what I what I do like to change up the houses themselves a lot.
Gameplay can sometimes be very short if I'm looking for bugs after a patch or testing cc but usually unlimited when it's time for sims I can just play as long as I like which is usually a while. There are even times when I take a break for a bit and play for a while in different sessions on the same day.
Most my time goes to gameplay.