Forum Discussion

Disquietism's avatar
4 years ago

Time to play (and where to find it)

I was so excited to try out the new DHD pack, but since I bought it I still didn't manage to find time to actually play the game :lol:
Sometimes I think it its great that I am an adult and can buy and do all that I want with my life...until I realize that I also have another activities and responsibilities and I can't just sit and play for days XD I usually play more during autumn and winter when the weather sucks and there isn't much too do out or when I am sick. But sometimes I just feel excited to play the game, but I feel a bit guilty for prioritizing it over my other hobbies(painting, hiking, gardening, working out) and chores around the house... I guess I just wanted to get it off my chest and read how I am not alone in this :)
When I really don't have any time to play I really like to at least watch some sims videos in the background or read this forum :)

I just want days to have 48 hours and then I would finally manage all of my hobbies and chores :lol:
  • I'm goofing on the forum before "heading to work" (yay long-term shifts to remote work, the one bright thing to come out of the pandemic)...

    ...but I won't be able to actually play my game until the work is done. I've been so crazy busy this week that I haven't played since Monday afternoon.

    Being an adult is nothing like I'd hoped when I was a cranky teenager who couldn't wait to finish high school and move out of Mom's house!
  • I hear you. I am lucky I get to play a few times a month. I also play with mods to make the game enjoyable, so factor in updating time, very little play time. My best playing times were when hubby was watching football or hockey. Still then I would feel guilty for not doing a bit of housework or spending time with the cats.
    Currently we are getting ready to move, where at the moment not sure, but the house is sold. Hubby will also be away working so ...... I get the finish packing chore.
    Adulting sucks and I have been doing it for a very long time lol
  • I can totally relate. I would like to play more than I do now but real life just stands in the way. :p Finding time to play can be difficult with work, kids and always something that needs to be done around the house. I now have one gaming evening once a week: one evening reserved for the sims. The other days I can visit the forums but don't get a chance to play.
  • I've been on vacation for 3 weeks and going back tuesday heh. Only played Sims 4 for 1 week 1/2 though.
  • I only worked sporadically when our kids were young. Now that all three are grown and on their own, and after I suffered a catastrophic illness, I pretty much have time I can call my own. But, household chores still need to get done. So, I will play my game. Save and pause. Then move the wet clothes from the washer to the dryer then come back upstairs to continue playing. Wash. Rinse. Repeat, no matter what the chore. You may wish to weave your other activities, as much as possible, into your gaming sessions. Save and Pause the game. Pause is your friend. You may realize that in allowing this guilty pleasure more often, it will be easier to not play when the other 'obligations' call. Just a thought.
  • You're all suffering from the same illness. Personally, I don't have that problem. I simply play when I want. The chores and work ain't the boss o' me! LOL

    Okay but seriously though, yeah, I got the illness too. Adulthood was a big lie! I want my childhood back!
  • "PenguinFoop;c-17901941" wrote:
    You're all suffering from the same illness. Personally, I don't have that problem. I simply play when I want. The chores and work ain't the boss o' me! LOL

    Okay but seriously though, yeah, I got the illness too. Adulthood was a big lie! I want my childhood back!

    I married at the age of 19, one year after I graduated from high school. I didn't deem myself an Adult until I turned 21. So I fully enjoyed my childhood, so much so, that I've returned to it in many ways …
  • akl1226's avatar
    New Spectator
    Usually I am too tired after work to play but I try and make time on the weekends.

    Luckily I’m a teacher and am now on break for the summer. So I get some time to play which has been great. Addicted to the new game pack.
  • Usually my day is just

    •wake up
    (hopefully earlier than most humans to avoid them to best of my abilities if i want to go for a walk)
    • roll on the floor in hopes it counts for exercise, go on walk or clean any random mess
    •shower and actually wake up
    •put on clothes, get some food
    •play hour or 2
    •do anything else i was supposed to do today
    • watch tv shows or doodle or knit or browse forums and such

    ofc don't play if i dun feel like it

    or if i actually have anything to do before noon the playing gets switched to watch tv slot but currently I don't so i just be playing

    (especially cause i freaking hate summer and bugs so i will avoid going outside until autumn or so)