Forum Discussion

Longmire58's avatar
5 years ago

Tiny Home Living: Trailer Rig Object From Debug Mode?

I have seen a few creators on YouTube building tiny homes on the Trailer Rig w/wheels that is supposed to be available in the Debug objects section of the game. I typed in the cheats: bb.showhiddenobjects, bb.showliveeditobjects and then "Debug" in the search window to bring up the *Debug* list. I then selected one of the *Debug* words from the list which produces all the "hidden" content.

Does anyone know how to find the Trailer Rig object w/wheels w/out having to scroll through all of the hundreds of items? The creators of the Tiny Living Trailers are not explaining or showing how they actually found the Trailer Rig metal framing w/wheels.

Any help is very appreciated. :)
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