"Ayumap;13502211" wrote:
I don't like those types of aliens in general and the thought of being kidnapped and made pregnant is well... I don't think I need to say the word.
It does not sit well with me for my game. I can understand others may not see it that way and I'm fine with that.
I don't really understand why they decided not to let us turn off forced abductions and also aliens. I haven't seen any yet and I hope I never do.
They did but not with a ON/OFF option, and it also forces you (again?) to play the scientist career, for the first time in my playthrough I actually had to use cheats because I just don't want to risk my sims to get owned by aliens.
CTRL+Shift+C > testingcheats true > bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement > go in Build Mode > bb.showhiddenobjects then you go to the filters and click on "clear all" and the Satellite Dish will appear.
You can "prevent abductions" not sure it works 100% though, and you have to activate it every 24h because it resets.
If it does work it means there's a script to cancel abductions, so adding this option the game options wouldn't be hard to do and should have been the way to go, not an item.
Also, now when my sims turn on the TV it always goes with the alien channel for me. Seems they really want us to like them.