This thread was last active over a year ago. As a result I will be closing it off, as necroposting is against our
forum rules and just something to be mindful of ^^ I'll pop the forum rule on necroing below but if you have questions surrounding necroposting please review this thread
HERE and feel free to post in there.
Doing something on this list often can get you suspended, or sometimes even banned.
Necropost. Reviving, updating or bumping old, outdated and irrelevant threads is not helpful for our community. It's best to check when the thread was created before you hit post, just to make sure it's not 2 years old.
If there are new users reading this and find the workaround or suggestions aren't working, a super thoughtful forum member has started these two threads to help new members who may have issues with their game so that the much older threads don't need to be bumped back up. Please click on the
Sims 3 or
Sims 4 to be directed to the relevant thread for your gaming issues :)