I'd like it if there were a toggle because then I'd probably get this game pack. I'm not majorly into supernatural stuff but I do like vampires, witches, etc, in certain contexts. I'd just want to decide what game/save I play them in.
I'd rather have a separate save where I'd just play as vampires. It would be very different than the game I'm currently playing. I'd focus completely on being the vampire and I'd try to avoid loving the "human" Sims. A romantic vampire? Yes. A Twi.li.ght vampire, no. More An.ne Ri.ce or the kind of vampires that worried Victorians. I can see how this would be pretty fun and interesting as a change. I just don't want that in every game that I play. I don't want them cannibalizing my generational Sims. "No, not him! I remember his grandfather!"
If I really do get bored of the game I am currently playing, maybe I'll go for that, but I'd be much more certain to do so if I could switch them on or off in a game. I'd rather have this contemporary, realistic game and then have a separate one where I'm just in the perspective of the vampire. Yes, I know that the vampires aren't killing the human Sims but I don't want to deal with garlic or anything if I don't want them in a specific game at all.
I thought this over a little more after writing it. Without a toggle, I'm pretty unlikely to get the vampires. Yeah, it'd be great fun to play a vampire but I definitely don't want to do it all the time and I would feel like it would wreck my regular playing of the game. I'd like to be able to switch off the aliens too. I've deleted them from the game, sent alien babies back to Sixam and I always stop abductions now by resetting the Sim. I don't judge anyone else for having a different playing style. I would just need to have a toggle in order to really enjoy the vampires.