"keenow;c-16607914" wrote:
While I love starting out new and living the struggles of a poor family, I don't get bored with my families once I make money. It's like my goal in the game to amass a huge fortune. Right now, I am quite happily sitting on 4.5mil simoleons! :blush:
Wow! I'm not a rags to riches type player but I guess I like for my sims to live an american middle class lifestyle. I want them to enjoy everything but have to work for it. I even had my two Sims quit their jobs but their hobbies are raking in the dough. With my new age settings every Sim in the family has completed at least one aspiration and they have several hundred thousand dollars in the bank. I don't know if I would ever amass a 4.5 million simoleon fortune. In one save I had made it to the 5th generation but I made each generation move out leaving most of the money behind.