Forum Discussion

RickardCarlsson's avatar
7 years ago

Top requested features needed for consoles?

Hi simmers!

Here is the top requested feautures required for the Sims 4 before console buyers will take this game seriously. I just made this list out of threads across the internet talking about console version of the Sims 4.

  • Better controls, HUD and camera. This is a no-brainer if you played both version you notice that the entire HUD and controls are imported from the PC version with minor or no adjustments made for console controllers. The button layout is horrible and makes bad use of the Cross/DPAD and back buttons. Camera movement should also have an option to center the cursor in the middle as standard. HUD should be adjusted for consoles to have a better view and without the requirement to swap between snap and free cursor mode. A wheel selection features popular among RTS games could possibly help swapping between Sims and different menus.

  • Basic Keyboard and Mouse support. Shouldn't be to hard to implement. This would make the game much more enjoyable.

  • Improve performance and premium console improvements. A GTX580 (1,5TFLOPS vs PS4 1,8TLFOPS) a GPU from 2011 runs the Sims 4 in 1080p @ 120FPS yet on console it only runs 30fps. Also both Playstation 4 Pro and Xbox One X are missing 4K support and better AA. I play this game on Xbox One X and I can tell the game is blurry on the big screen.

  • Shared gallery across all platforms. From my understanding this is already being worked on but important is that is shared across all platforms.

  • Some kind of mod support. Maybe as something available in the gallery. Similar to Fallout 4.

  • Bonus: Visit friends lots (some kind of online mode). Would be cool if the could have a friend list and join friends households and interact with them. This would also make the world feel more alive. Sims from your friend list can show up in your game.

Opinions or something I have missed? Discuss below and lets be hopeful Maxis one day will consider real support for consoles in the future.

Best regards,