Great idea. We need more culturally diverse worlds and vacation destinations in The Sims 4. More stuff like Jungle Adventure.
However, that's in The Sims 4. What you're suggesting is a spin-off of The Sims games, using The Sims 4's engine, like the previous spin-offs.
It's a hard concept to sell as a spin-off of The Sims, and I'm not sure you realize what you're asking for.
The previous spin-offs didn't do well. They were both create-your-own-adventure styled, with very linear paths (though Medieval arguably did do this better than Castaway Stories). They were both made using the current (at the time) Sims' engine, meaning they still had the same restrictions as the current Sims title. They both confused players with their own drawbacks - that being, the departure of the normal formula. People wanted to play-out Robinson Caruso or King Arthur's Camelot. They wanted to play The Sims in settings that were not really possible in the normal game. They did not want a pre-set story tree to follow with certain key characters and events.