Forum Discussion

dimon6579's avatar
10 years ago

Trying for "whiz Kid" aspiration, but how do i "read with an adult for 2 hours"?

As the subject says, i am having trouble getting the whiz kid aspiration. I need to "read with an adult for 2 hours". Ive tried selecting books and clicking on an adult in the room as suggested in the explanation, without success. Can someone help me do this? I have yet to figure out how to do this, even with the explanation given in the game.
  • The action is available on children's books. Make sure the book you're selecting is a children's book. Lord of the Swings and My Pizzi-cat-Polka (title approximate) are two that should be in the bookshelf by default.

    Edit for clarity:
    With an adult sim active, open the bookshelf, and click on a children's book (or use one in the adult's inventory). Choose "Read with..." and then select the child sim.
  • Thanks for the tip Prink34320. Being an adult helps. I was trying it with the child side..which does not work....
  • Yeah, the phrasing is a little confusing, sounding like it should be the kid initiating the action. I think it should say something more like "be read to by an adult for 2 hours" or something, to help suggest that it's the adult who has to initiate the action.
  • I keep a stack of kids' books in the adult's inventory. Open the inventory, click the book, select Read with...

    I usually line up a couple books because one book isn't two hours long.
  • I had problems with this one too.

    1. Make sure you have a children's book. Check the genre of the book to make sure it says "Children" (I can't remember what exactly the genre is called, but it has the word "children" in it).
    2. If the book in question is in a bookshelf, you need to take the book out.
    3. Once the book is out of the bookshelf, it needs to be available to click inside the world, meaning you must either place the book in the world (e.g. on a table, floor, etc.), or see the book by means of having the adult sim already reading the book to themselves. You will not see the option by clicking the book in the bookshelf or in your inventory. You must click the book as it is in the world.
    4. Once you click the book as an adult, if a child is nearby, you will see the option, "read to a child".
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