My biggest fear for the game is that they'll continue putting graphics over gameplay. :( Sure, it looks nice. But I much prefer the game to be fun than look nice. Pretty graphics are a plus, not a must. In my opinion, anyway.
The game is missing out on so many tiny details, though, I feel like they're overlooking them to just keep piling more and more on top instead of fixing or throwing them in. Didn't they already say small telescopes aren't in the game because "they forgot/never thought about it"?
The game is also in need of some serious menu remakes. If you don't have the 3/4 cas columns mod and you own every pack, that could be a bit much to scroll through. Also, there are so many friendly interactions it takes a while to go through those as well, I feel like those should be split in some different way. Family trees are kind of a mess, too. Like, if a sim gets married and doesn't have any children before dying, they disappear and you can't see their family tree. You'll never know that sim existed. Even if you can see their spouse's tree, after death they aren't married or connected anymore.
But the lack of interactions, reactions and impactful traits are the biggest issues for me (followed by the way they handled Teens, YA and Elders).