3 years ago
Turn off fears?
Is there a way to do it? I’m just getting annoyed with them. And it’s weird because I had my teen sim get over her fear of the dark but she still gets the moodlet. I still want the wants though.
"skeeter;c-18178238" wrote:
I hate the new wants and fears! I wish they would fix the problems instead of adding new content that causes more problems and changing things that do work! Hopefully they will read these comments. Cottage Living errands still do not work and Restaurants still have a glitch where it sends sims back to the restaurant after they have eaten and payed! I have to close the game no matter what world I'm in to make the ordering again disappear. Anyone else having these problems also?
"SweetieWright_84;c-18177996" wrote:
I think you can only turn both wants & fears off. I've read or saw some people saying that even with them turned off, they still show up.
I'm having the same problem as you. The moodlet keeps popping up in broad daylight while she's outside.