Forum Discussion

Sakuske's avatar
6 years ago

University Coming?!!

Maxis uploaded all the new Sims from the rebranding (another topic entirely), and one of their bios, for Morgan Park, really caught my eye and I'm HOPING it's a look into the future!

Morgan is all-in, all the time. Driven by her life-long love of sport, Morgan believes life is meant to be lived, not spent behind a desk. She''s always up for any adventure her friends suggest, and always pushes herself to do more. With her track and cross-country scholarships, she was always a top performing athlete at university. She''s currently training for her first Iron Man competition, which means a lot of time in the pool and on a bike.

University and scholarships!! What are your thoughts?! Am I alone in finding this extremely exciting? Do you think we'll be getting University soon (maybe even as the next expansion)?