You have $40. Which University features do you purchase for your game?
Big new world
Active teaching career
Build and customize your own schools
Arcade or other new lot type
Follow sims to class/labs
Football or other playable sport
Bands with new instruments
Added school activities for children and teens
More than one type of university to choose from
Sub-Total: $15
Majors tie into existing careers across all packs
Fraternities and sororities
New rabbit hole/work from home careers
Online classes
Pottery or new hobby/skill
Keg party or other event type
Events like city festivals spawning in the quad
Rabbit hole activities like cheerleading
Sub-Total: $15
Bunk/Loft Beds
Ping Pong
Pool Table
Photo Booth
Murphy Bed
Other new object
More take out options
Mind altering harvestables
Sub-Total: $7
Total: $37
But there's a few things there that I could switch around. I'm starting to think that I'd rather have a small world, if that means they'll pack the expansion FULL of playable content. Not repetitive content, either. I want content that I can use for generations. I want sororities, frats, pool tables, ping pong, I also want pledges to have to do dares, and tasks, and I want them to hold "charity events", to raise money for new stuff for their houses. To host big parties, I want lectures to make a come-back and D: alllll kinds of stuff. They could even bring back the "reputation" system from The Sims 3 University. I definitely want some more traits, too. (Those could add 3 more dollars to total 40, for me.)