3 years ago
University refresh
I really hope Discover University is going to get a refresh (Even then I don’t think it will help too much) yeah it’s got some cool Build mode but the game play is so dull it’s just wake up go to clas...
"SheriSim57;c-18103404" wrote:"JAL;c-18102829" wrote:
I wouldn't mind a refresh. I think Dine out needs one more, but University has a lot of potential that could be explored.
* More diverse studies with homework and final tasks that - at least some of the time - is tied to the subject for example paint a certain type of painting or go to a painting class (for art students), read and analyse a particular book or write a book (for language students), make a microchip, cook a meal, plant something...
* Make course books a necessity for passing, instead of the free homework booklets you get. Let the homework be reading the course book (as it would be). They should also be available in libraries for students with less money (as should all skill books). That way it would be more like the universities in Europe on which Britechester is based.
* Allow kitchens in dorms. Again this is common in many places in Europe where a dorm is a place where you share a kitchen and common area with the others.
* Allow for more varied Guest Lectures that covers all possible jobs in game, not just the ones in the pack.
* Add thermostats in all dorms and university buildings when seasons is installed.
* Merge the university club feature with the GT club feature when that is installed so that you can create your own clubs - where university student, Foxbury student or Britechester student is a trait you can use for membership, and university activities such as read homework, work on term paper, prepare a presentation could be activities.
* Make football an afterschool activity for children and teens as well (with hours and activity that fits the age group), add more afterschool activities in general (debate team, drama club, e-sport, school paper...) that then could have an impact on how easy it is to get into University or which scholarships you could get.
* Make it possible to not get accepted if your grades are too low, with the possibility of taking classes to up your skills so that you can get in
* Make riding a bike a skill that can be taught to children
* Make riding a bike something you can do together
* Create graduation party event
* Make it so that some careers are locked to those without a degree (doctor, scientist, education, astronaut...) - or that you can only reach a certain level without a degree (you can become a gardener and continue towards florist, but the botany branch would require a biology degree). Other careers such as entertainment, athlete or chef would like today just offer a jumpstart if you have a degree, but not require one.
* Add a bit more crazyness with the kegs- now they give a moodlet, but let that moodlet lead to autonomous actions or whims that are followed autonomously sometimes. Not the normal sim obsessive way, but things that happens every now and again. Like streaking, making out with a stranger, telling lots of (bad) jokes, starting a fight... let there be randomness to what happens and how often, creating some spontaneity in the game.
* Allow for holidays off if seasons is installed - so that students don't have lectures on wintersfest or new years. Let holidays be holidays for students too.
* Make the length of semesters be customizable or at least tied to lifespan - so that it's shorter on short lifespan than on long.
I'm sure there are many more suggestions to be made.
As I don’t like the way university is set up in the first place, I would not like being locked out of a career as Dr. Or Scientist. Besides, people who bought get to work long ago did not have that restriction.