I'd love real babies. I would prefer to play them, I want them to move around, learn how to crawl, show genetics (this is very important to me as a generational player). I want clothes for them and toys, playpens, strollers - I would definitely buy a baby stuff pack and I cross my fingers we will get a baby gamepack this year.
They said that the gamepack is something that has never done before and we never had really advanced babies, even TS2 babies didn't REALLY show genetics, they didn't learn how to crawl or to stand up and they didn't have their own wardrobe and toys. There never was a "baby pack", so I keep my fingers crossed and hope for it. I know that lots of family players feel the same.
And be aware of the fact that many occult players are also family/generational players and it's a shame toddlers and children were left out from occult gameplay as they were. A gamepack like that could also come with an update that leads to the the occult lifestages in babies to children to show a little more, e.g. learn first spells and do magic pranks for children (and teens of course) or have toddlers experience "magic accidents" because they don't know how to control their powers yet. I am not much of an occult player, but it would appeal to me that way and I know that lots of occult players would love it!