Forum Discussion

BettyNewbie1's avatar
4 years ago

Vampire kids question.

Do they burn in the sun? My sim is pregnant, and I've been confused if her kid will burn when on their way to school. I.D.K. About you, but I often can't get them to sleep, so they pass out at school. If they lose all their vampire meter because of this, they're going to burn to the bus! I've considered using the Seasons work around to home school on PS4.

9 Replies

  • They are practically human until they are teens like most occults, sadly.
  • They are normal sims until they become teens like in that show Young Dracula.
  • Note: they are protected while AT school. Even though it’ll show them as close to death at times, they can’t die at school. Just get them in the door quickly. Umbrella or bat form helps.
  • EAxis would not be brave enough to make anything like that. Anything that is not a teen is IMMORTAL. Rule of the thumb and I am DEAD serious.

    To answer your question - no, vampire kids of any age that is not a Teen will not burn in the sun. This is TL:DR answer.

    Here are specifics: Vampire Babies are functionally exactly the same as humans. Vampire Toddlers are also the same EXCEPT for some CAS options being available to them (Eyes). Vampire kids are also more or less similar but again, there are some CAS options available and they are occasionally known to start hissing. Once a vampire becomes a teen they receive a special moodlet indicating that their vampire nature fully manifested, they are now functionally a vampire and have all vampire needs, levelling system and abilities and thus they CAN burn in the sun unless they unlock Sunlight Immunity ability later.

    A word of advice (I know you didn't ask but I am going to tell you anyway) - consider having your kids read vampire lore books as they already can learn this skill as a child and this will help them in teen life.
  • not before they are teen
    as teen they will burn baby burn
    so you would like to have some roofed area close to edge of lot be it your house porch or house itself or fun little bus stop

    and well university <:D very deathful

    unless you use the vampire sun protection thing or the perk
  • @ArcherDK This is helpful, thank you. I've been playing on regular lately, it takes getting used to with how short it is, it'll be great to get a head start.

    @Simmingal Will move the home closer to the sidewalk, put a covered porch.
  • @BettyNewbie1 No worries. In general, most NEW skills that are not associated with specific group of skills (Mental, Creativity, Physical and Social) can be taught to kids directly. Vampire lore is one of those skills.

    In addition, consider having you kids go fishing if you are playing vampire families. Kids can fish and thus provide blood bags to your older vampires or even to themselves in the future. They can even make the bags with correct level of vampire lore skill. Same is also true for frog collecting that can be used for the same purpose. Blood bags made out of frogs are also more nutritious than fish blood.
  • @ArcherDK This sounds good for my other family, one of the children has rolled fishing for their randomized hobby, and they do not have too much income. My current household has this lot trait that sends gifts, I pretend it is a subscription, and I take fifty simoleons every time she gets mail.
  • @BettyNewbie1Yes indeed. There is a lot of potential for these little details. Some fish also sells well, frogs can be bred for income and Angelfish is a component of ambrosia.