Forum Discussion

wahini2024's avatar
3 years ago

Villainous Valentines

It's too easy. The romance in this game is just too easy and convincing to leave a spouse is waaaaay to easy

I tried this aspiration for the first time and used this Sim as a wrecking ball to create new story lines but the ability to convince a sim to leave their spouse with level 2 charisma is a little ridiculous especially if the friendship meter is only like 30%

A few flirts and a woohoo is all it takes. I've had some issue with how quickly a romantic relationship develops but this was ridiculously easy. I ended 3 marriages in a sim day. I mean she gets the outcomes but I wish they varied and some would say no. Just once even.

  • I can't do this aspiration because it irritates me so much how the jealousy in this game is so nonchalant. The sim grunts a few times when they catch the cheating and then move on. Like what...
  • I like the idea of this aspiration, but I feel the aspirations have just gotten "lazy" in general. Instead of having 4 tiers of tasks, now it's just "do the same thing 30 times"

    My clone of Summer Holiday, Winter Holiday, is evil and has this aspiration. She's destroying the relationships of every man who dumped Summer.
  • Describe The Sims 4 in 3 words.

    "wahini2024;d-999642" wrote:
    It's too easy.

    Nailed it.

  • @SimCrazy I've done a fair amount of bachelor challenges and the reaction in those (none have the jealousy traits for those) are stronger. Some get angry and sad some just get sad depending but how in the world is it this easy to convince one Sim to leave a spouse. One date and a woohoo and they all leave the spouse. Not one rejection. Like this seems to be a fairly easy thing to fix with a ratio of yes to no just to add a speck of reality to romance. Even multiple tries would work better than this. Friendship takes longer than this does.

    Not very super dark hearted when they're all eager to divorce to begin with.