> @CK213 said:
> I started grinning when I saw my sim wanted to listen to Jazz music.
> Not the fact that it was Jazz, but because it was based off one of her likes. This is what I wanted most for Whims (now Wants).
> It helps bring out their personalities.
> I went through my current household and all their likes were about things related to traits, aspirations, relationships, and likes.
> Nothing about Bee Boxes or 1 x 1 pools.
> What I don't like is they removed the cancel feature and they expect you to buy a potion to cancel the want.
> Talk about short-sighted, so what if you roll another Want that you don't want? Are you going to buy another potion?
> No, so it's a feature that few people will actually use, or use very sparingly.
> That must be there because the amount of wants are actually limited and it will keep you from seeing how quickly they roll the same wants again.