Forum Discussion

MasterDarkwingz's avatar
4 years ago

"We Aim To Be Inclusive"

For those that pre-ordered the Snowy Escape Pack, I got notified by a user that bowing at shrines can no longer be done.
The Sims 4 team aims to be inclusive, yet actively censors and removes Japanese culture.
This is just as nonsensical as adding in a prayer bench, and then removing a prayer function because Jews and Christians have historically not got along.
It not only removes inclusivity of people who the prayer base does represent, but acts as if bowing in Japan isn't the norm.
If we can have a menorah in Animal Crossing New Horizons, then we should be able to unlock bowing in the Sims4.
To do otherwise would only make a further mockery of EA's historical videogame failings.
I look forward to the Kinder Egg crew's more ironic statements to back up this kneel to a fake cancel culture movement.

I also want to add onto this thread by saying that two cultures with historic backlash can indeed get along.
As an example, take how popular the Marvel characters Hulkling and Wiccan are in Brazil.
(They were boys who came from Christian and Jewish backgrounds, and are now a happy gay couple.)
The Sims 4 team only hinders the modern progression of religion by adhering to Twitter's cancel culture demands for justice to which no currently surviving family lineage has witnessed. (Elders generally do not live longer than 60-90 years.)
Furthermore, such actions of removal only enforces the cancel culture mob's perception that such features were intended to offend.
A perception which will help neither EA nor the common player base. (Regardless of practicing Shintoism or Buddhism.)

(CM: Double post merged together with original post)