Forum Discussion

Loanet's avatar
Rising Scout
5 years ago

We have lots of little pets...

Straight off, I'm not saying I don't want more developed pets. But we have a lot more animals than you think in the game...

1: Fish. Not the most fascinating of pets, but you can put them in fish bowls and later view them. There are also aquariums to view. Not exciting but when were fish exciting? Soothe your inner boredom by recording your fishing session on a Drone and then uploading it onto the internet for a bucket-load.
2: Frogs. These you can actually breed!
3: Insects: If you have Outdoor Retreat you can hunt for insects which appear at various times of day while on vacation.
4: Aliens: You can collect these alive or dead on Sixam with Get To Work.
5: The Bird-feeder: You can attract birds with it. They can delight, or anger your Sims.
6: The Hamster line: The deepest developed pets so far and it helps you complete a collection.
7: The Cowplant, if you think of it as a pet. Ironically it may be more developed, and you do have a death for it too..
8: The Bee Hive. You wanted bees, you got bees. BEES! Also honey and stuff, and a death.
8: Even more curious insects in Eco Living to pet, eat, and use as fuel.
9: Snowy Escape has curious spirits hanging around Mount K. to collect, known as Simmies. Could be interesting to have them as pets too!

Apart from the Hamster line, none of these are exciting, but they're still animals that you can have in your living room and show off or look at, and so they probably won't make a return in any kind of pets pack (apart from how we keep getting new fish).

Thoughts on OTHER little pets?

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