Forum Discussion

SMAN292's avatar
4 years ago

Weird Idol

That weird idol that Guidry gives you after having asked him for help in getting rid of Temperance. Can you buy them or they are only available through Guidry? Because when I read the description on them, it said to place these around your house to keep Temperance at bay or something to that effect. Meaning that you place more than one around your house. Since Keice only got one from Guidry when I had her asked Guidry for his help in getting rid of Temperance. So when I read that description on them, that's when I went into buy looking for more idols in buy mode and didn't find any. After I didn't see them in buy mode, that's when I thought that you can only order them via computer. And I didn't find them there either. So where can I get more of these idols? Please? They are needed because Keici lives in a very large house. A house so large that it has 3 wings. A library/study wing, a dining room/kitchen wing, and an indoor swimming pool wing. Plus the house has a basement and a subbasement and an attic. Plus a large yard. Surely one weird idol can't possibly cover that much area. So more than one idol is needed for a safe coverage area against Temperance.
  • GrumpyGlowfish's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    I just keep them in my sim's inventory and pull them out whenever Temperance shows up. Place it on the ground near her, it will start burning and make her run away.

    Does anyone know if they wear off or break eventually? They do burn after all, but I've never lost one, so even having just one idol has been enough for me so far.
  • I do the same thing. Keep them in personal inventory until Temperance shows up, then put one near her to drive her away. One seems to be enough.
  • "CelSims;c-17819826" wrote:
    You can get them as a gift from the specters or as a reward from paranormal investigation gigs. You can also find them in build mode if you have show hidden objects on, as they are in debug.

    That was the only time that I had seen them in buy mode too. I had suspected as much that they were rewards from completing paranormal gigs. Since they don't appear in buy mode without bb.showhiddenobjects enabled. But I didn't know that you can get them as gifts from specters too.