3 years ago
Werewolf Fate/Love System?
I love this pack, but I don't love the fated mate system and there seems to be no way around it unless you never flirt (autonomously or not) with another werewolf. I have a serial romantic weresim...
"GlacierSnow;c-18134269" wrote:
I don't have the pack yet, so can't test this out for you. But if you're willing to try an experiment, what happens if you use the remove werewolf trait cheat (below) to turn one of the werewolves back into a human temporarily?
traits.remove_trait trait_occultwerewolf
Since fated mates requires both individuals to be werewolves, does changing one of them back to human remove the fated mates designation? And if you then turn that sim back into a werewolf with the "add werewolf trait (below) does the fated mates designation reappear, or is it gone?
traits.equip_trait trait_occultwerewolf
No idea if this idea would work, since I can't test it, but if you haven't tried this already, it might be worth checking out. Definitely make a backup of your save first though.