Also have your weres read up on lore in the werewolf books. Basically have them reread them a lot. Some new clues might be revealed and I think this unlocks certain quests or prompts when they explore the tunnels next. My were translated a musical tune that had magical vibes to it in one book. The next time he explored the tunnels and traveled to the room with the magical paintings, a prompt csme up for him to howl to the tune he reme.bered reading about. More lore was revealed and he found a moonwand!
Also have them travel the same path over and over again. I have the vampires pack, my were kept going towards the garlic scented path over and over. The last time, he came out of the bathrooms in Forgotten Hollow!
He beat up Vlad. Then wrecked all the showers/bathtubs. Vlad fainted. It was hilarious