I finally got to play today. I downloaded Lux from the gallery and moved her into the starter home. She got night wolf, grumpy wolf, and the temperament that hates being inside. All of those seemed to fit her personality. I loved how she was able to move about the world and how large it did indeed feel. She was able to scavenge and make some money and learn lore at the same time. Yet it didn't feel overpowered.
The First Impression mod I had installed helped me decide which pack to join. Lux had a negative impression of both Kristopher and Jacob, but a positive one of Rory and Lou. So she became first a friend and then a member of the Wildfangs. I knew from another mod I have installed that she was attracted to Lou, so I wasn't surprised when he was her fated mate. (I admit I kinda hoped this worked like the wishing well where you would have to go to the peak, make an offering, and *poof* there would be your fated mate.)
I love how werewolves can meet all their needs away from home! I haven't unlocked everything yet, but the ability to just sleep anywhere is a game changer. And hunting! So much fun, and I've hardly begun to explore.