So I have to say, I am pleasantly surprised-- shocked, even-- by how quickly they added the trailer premades, along with some others, to the gallery. Including the blonde woman, so yay, she made it after all! Although I was a bit surprised by her traits and backstory, but I can work with it. I think she and her husband are going to move in with the spywolf I created and moved into Wolfsbane Manor in Forgotten Hollow. (Because who would suspect a wolf of moving into Wolfsbane Manor?) My "spywolf" is going to be a secret agent who spends all his time using his small telescope to look up the hill and spy on Vlad. Blonde wolf sim looks ever so vaguely vampish, so she and her husband are going to be part of my spywolf's cover story, as they will not look totally out of place in Forgotten Hollow. They might need to befriend the Vatores to help blend in. As they are also rather larcenous, if they happen to roam around stealing from the vampires in the neighborhood, well, so be it.
Naturally all three of them will be founding members of my Wildfang Pack-Nomad Chapter club. And yes, of course a tunnel to the wolf bunker is immediately going to go in the basement or backyard of Wolfsbane Manor...