Forum Discussion

YvinatorElite's avatar
7 years ago

What New Expansions Do YOU Want?

Hi guys!

I thought I'd create a discussion to talk about what kind of expansion packs you would like to see in The Sims 4, but there is a catch:

I only want to discuss NEW ideas for expansions, so no packs we already had in The Sims 3, 2 & 1!

For example, I am very into the fantasy aspects of the sims, so I would love to see and underwater world where my sims could live in some kind of domes.
Or maybe the inclusion of lizard people would be funny.
And I would love it if my sims could become super heroes or villains!

Let's give the simgurus a discussion that might give inspiration for new things, instead of asking for things we are probably going to get anyway (like cars, spiral stairs, seasons)

Very curious for your ideas!