Forum Discussion

GalacticGal's avatar
Seasoned Ace
2 months ago

Where Did His Trophies Go?

I found that I was in the wrong saves folder earlier. I managed to get into the correct one, only to discover my Global Supersta's five Starlight Accolades were no longer in his personal inventory. I scooted them into his inventory prior to his leaving for university. They were there for the longest time because I was dutifully naming them so I would know what he won them for. Went to place them on shelves in his new home, only to discover they weren't there. I went into some earlier saves (I do a Save As with each gaming session) and they weren't there at all. Seems they disappeared like some of the nice lamps (I redecorated Wyvern Hall before they moved in) and despite how I placed the same variety of computer on each desk, one came up missing, too. Oh, those little thieves That's the Sims for you.! And no, I don't have Eco Living

  • Has he been near a kleptomaniac. I had one visit my sims house frequently , she stole a total of 5 pet beds?!?!? I mean why?

    • GalacticGal's avatar
      Seasoned Ace

      She was having unexpected overnight guests? I have no idea if one of the many students living in Wyvern Hall was a thief. Somebody was taking those very nice lamps from the nightstands . And, as stated above, one of the expensive computers went MIA, too. 

      I was able to purchase new trophies, but I can set them as heirlooms, but so far I can't name them. I gave the name of the Song, stating it was Song of the Year, he had Record of the Year, and managed, also to earn the Album of the Year, for Early Morning Mist. At least I kept a record of it. Who knew these treasures would vanish? It's not like he had them out on display for anybody to avail themselves of it. Somebody really was hard up for book money . . .?

  • Are they perhaps in the household inventory, instead of his own inventory? I hope that you can find where they are.

    • GalacticGal's avatar
      Seasoned Ace

      I will have to look into that. I got so used to him not having a household inventory, since he's been at Britechester-U. All of his gifts from fans to there, too. Basically, he's been robbed! LOL