Forum Discussion

RememberJoy's avatar
Seasoned Novice
3 years ago

Which needs based reward trait would you choose for yourself?

If in real life if you could choose to freeze one of the six basic needs your average sim has to manage, which one would you choose?

I realize that Carefree does not freeze a sim's fun need, but there isn't a reward trait that does apparently, so I made do.
  • le_TARDISgrade's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    Forever fresh.

    I'm already super-energetic, as well as a pretty much a self-reliant, introverted lone wolf (need no one) and have a natural "steel" bladder.

    I like both eating and having showers, but eating is more fun, and I can do while doing other activities (such as working or reading or being outdoors) while showering/getting clean is something I can't really do in multitasking mode.

    So my choice is Forever fresh - so I can use the time I'd spend cleaning myself doing other, more productive or enjoyable stuff.
  • I dislike showering. I prefer soaking in the bath but the flat I’m in doesn’t have one. It would be expensive to put one in. I miss my bubble bath sessions ?

    I don’t find showers relaxing.
  • kukkahilla's avatar
    Seasoned Hotshot
    I already have quite a steel bladder and I'm quite a loner. I really like to eat and sleep (I have interesting dreams!) so those are not an option either. It could be fun to be carefree, because I often think too much, but it's kind of who I am and I have learnt to live with it whereas forever fresh would be so nice! I could still take a bath or shower when I want to just enjoy it, but I wouldn't have to bother showering when I don't feel like it. And I'd never stink! :love:
  • I would say the social, because I'm what I call socially impaired in reality, and I'd rather not have to deal with all the social interaction nuances and such.