2 years agoSeasoned Ace
Who will be Outdoor Enthusiast?
So, I've gathered the fourth gen of my Aspiration Legacy Challenge for a conference in the bedroom of Rinna, the oldest. Rinna is the one in the knitted top, knitting something while sitting in a Nifty Knitting chair. She's a Creative, Unflirty Foodie with the Happy Toddler and Creatively Gifted traits. Currently juggling the Lady of the Knits (surprise!) and Master Chef aspirations, she's on level 4 for both.
Terence is Rinna's cousin, the one in the torn clothes. He's a Paranoid Loner with the Happy Toddler trait. He's completed the Werewolf Initiate aspiration and is now working on Lone Wolf. Cammy is Terence's little sister. She's a Genius with the Happy Toddler trait, currently working on the Whiz Kid aspiration. I've already decided that she will have Nerd Brain as her first aspiration when she ages up to teen.
Here's my dilemma: the next five aspirations in the rotation are Musical Genius, Mt. Komorebi Sight Seer, Neighborhood Confidante, Nerd Brain and Outdoor enthusiast. I'm not worried about the middle three. My problem is with Musical Genius and Outdoor Enthusiast. On the one hand, Terence could start working on Musical Genius right away. There's something poetic about a Lone Wolf playing his fiddle into the void. On the other hand, Rinna could pick up Musical Genius and go for a triple crown of artistic aspriations: visual arts, culinary arts and performing arts. I would have to wait until she finishes her knitting aspiration though. Then, what do I do about Outdoor Enthusiast? On the one hand, Terence could eventually pick this up, he is part wild animal and it makes sense to me that he would want to be out in the wilderness communing with nature. On the other hand, Cammy will have an easier time building herbalism once she's Mentally Gifted. Learning about nature also ties into her scientific curiosity. She could start Nerd Brain and Outdoor Enthusiast at the same time.
Terence is Rinna's cousin, the one in the torn clothes. He's a Paranoid Loner with the Happy Toddler trait. He's completed the Werewolf Initiate aspiration and is now working on Lone Wolf. Cammy is Terence's little sister. She's a Genius with the Happy Toddler trait, currently working on the Whiz Kid aspiration. I've already decided that she will have Nerd Brain as her first aspiration when she ages up to teen.
Here's my dilemma: the next five aspirations in the rotation are Musical Genius, Mt. Komorebi Sight Seer, Neighborhood Confidante, Nerd Brain and Outdoor enthusiast. I'm not worried about the middle three. My problem is with Musical Genius and Outdoor Enthusiast. On the one hand, Terence could start working on Musical Genius right away. There's something poetic about a Lone Wolf playing his fiddle into the void. On the other hand, Rinna could pick up Musical Genius and go for a triple crown of artistic aspriations: visual arts, culinary arts and performing arts. I would have to wait until she finishes her knitting aspiration though. Then, what do I do about Outdoor Enthusiast? On the one hand, Terence could eventually pick this up, he is part wild animal and it makes sense to me that he would want to be out in the wilderness communing with nature. On the other hand, Cammy will have an easier time building herbalism once she's Mentally Gifted. Learning about nature also ties into her scientific curiosity. She could start Nerd Brain and Outdoor Enthusiast at the same time.