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- paigeisin56 years agoSeasoned AcePeople who have been with The Sims for years and have played every expansion, stuff pack and game pack, gravitate towards the familiar, rather than look at the possibility of trying something totally new. It's human nature. I was in that group as well. That fact became very clear to me when StrangerVille was announced and I was so very, very unhappy with the theme. I was quite vocal about my unhappiness as well. My experience with StrangerVille made me realize I was stuck in a rut. Now I hope the new EP will not be a Uni expansion. Please don't throw anything in my direction, I hope Uni comes our way but let's be open to the possibility the next EP will not be a remake of something we have had in the past.
Let's stop and be honest for a second. Every expansion EA has released that was a remake of past expansions has come up short of our expectations in many ways. And Simmers were very unhappy about it. Gardening was one of my favorite things to do with my Sims until Seasons came along. I love that expansion but it ruined gardening for me. I dislike needing greenhouses on my lots. BUT, I do enjoy the newer careers that were added with the Get Famous expansion and the updates that came with it. I am having a blast with them and I seldom think about gardening now. I am not into the acting career but the ability to create a career from streaming has me glued to my computer. I like the fact our Sims can work as freelancers in whatever career they choose, have the ability to become famous and have reputations that other Sims react to. As a long time Simmer I find it refreshing. The idea for painters and authors to become famous, and recognized as famous by other Sims, is something that was missing from the game for years.
Wanting a Uni-style expansion is just natural. We had a Uni expansion in Sims2 and 3 so Simmers expect it to be added to Sims4. Personally, I found it a bit grindy. And I think I had a handful of Sims that actually graduated because I became bored with it so quickly. Maybe that was because it wasn't my style. I'm not sure. As far as seeing hints that Uni is going to be the next expansion? I haven't seen anything that screams Uni is coming next. - JestTru6 years agoSeasoned AceProbably because it's what they want next to come out. I don't know if it's next but if it is YAY!!! Personally I think witches is coming this year, but next and in what form I do not know.
"Horrorgirl6;c-17044139" wrote:
Okay, I might take a break from online. Last week, a couple of days ago. My dad has passed away.
So sorry to hear that Horrorgirl. My heart goes out to you and your family.- Horrorgirl66 years agoSeasoned Ace
"Writin_Reg;c-17044249" wrote:
"Horrorgirl6;c-17044139" wrote:
Okay, I might take a break from online. Last week, a couple of days ago. My dad has passed away.
So sorry to hear that Horrorgirl. My heart goes out to you and your family.
My dad was a good man. He loves me, and his boys. We didn't agree politically. Still, we love each other. I'm glad I stay the last few years with him. I'm glad he is heaven now. With no pain or suffering. Thank you for your comfort. - keekee536 years agoSeasoned Ace
"Cinebar;c-17032855" wrote:
"keekee53;c-17032182" wrote:
"Cinebar;c-17032121" wrote:
Because in Strangerville, the Sim had to go to the library. :p
teehee hee hee
glad someone appreciates a good joke. lol
thoroughly enjoyed it LOL - I really want University. Hoping the gurus listen. I don’t have many packs but I’d sure as plum buy that one.
- PlumbobXing6 years agoSeasoned Ace
"catloverplayer;c-17032220" wrote:
"Horrorgirl6;d-958233" wrote:
There seem to be no proof or hints to it.
I don't. I think Island Paradise is the next expansion.
It better be :D Everyone’s all over Uni and all I want is a nice tropical island for my sims: <3 "@rudy8292;c-17034390" wrote:
"jackjack_k;c-17034379" wrote:
"@rudy8292;c-17033206" wrote:
"Horrorgirl6;c-17033192" wrote:
"MidnightAura;c-17032945" wrote:
"ListentoToppDogg;c-17032179" wrote:
Because the most vocal simmers have been demanding it for about a year now. I can't see university not being next at this point, especially when Grant is out here tweeting saying the fans are going to love the next EP. I couldn't imagine him saying that for a different EP knowing how much people have been demanding university.
The literal only other thing I could see the next EP being is a tropical vacation pack, only because it's rumored to come out in June. Otherwise, university seems to be the best bet.
To be fair, Grant says that every single time. Its as predictable as night following day.
Seasons and Get famous were pretty good though
Seasons still not the best Seasons imo. I still think it lacks (Sims 4 tradition). They can claim it to be ''the best version ever'' but that never was the truth when it comes to TS4 imo.
With The Sims 4 it's trade off after trade off and compromise after compromise.
The Sims 4’s Seasons is wayyyyy better than Sims 2 Seasons.
The Sims 2 Seasons didn’t have real weather for a start (it had an onscreen filter for everything). They couldn’t get real weather to work without it raining indoors (even though they could on the console games) and instead of patching it in for free when they did fix it they released a whole expansion around it.
The Gardening feature was a huge part of Seasons YET it was actually taken directly out of the Sims 2 PSP which shared the same engine. They added different plants but the system itself and certain animations was taken from the PSP game.
And if that wasn’t bad enough, they didn’t optimise it so your game (no matter what system you have) will become “heavy” and the camera controls slow down because it’s an onscreen filter rather than rendered in real time. The same thing occurs when Witches appear on your lot and they apply a filter to your screen.
This isn’t even “objective” this is what happens in game. You can’t tell me The Sims 4 Seasons has more trade offs than this? The Sims 4 snow is like 1 inch thick, but apart from that it’s feature filled.
You even need to buy Happy Holiday Stuff to have Christmas seperately.
Talk to me again if you played the Sims 3 Seasons.
The Sims 2 Seasons was the first Seasons ever, the Sims 4 Seasons is not.
What is the main part of a Seasons EP? Right. The Seasons and the Weather.
Why don't we have hail, layered snow, iciles hanging from the roofs in winter, rain effects on roofs and surfaces, no rain drop effects on various surfaces, no sunburns etc.
No, I still think Sims 3 seasons is the best. It is not fair to compare the Sims 2 to the Sims 4 imo. The Sims 2 Seasons was a first, while Sims 4 Seasons is not.
The calendar feature and the gardening is nice, but that doesn't make the Sims 4 version better than the Sims 3 version for me.
No, the missing snow depth is only a part of all the things missing and traded off in the Sims 4 version.
But in the end; if people like the Sims 4 version more, more power to them.
I didn't talk about Sims 3 seasons because it basically is comparable to Sims 4 seasons based on what you prefer. I don't think either is stronger than the other, as a lot of the weather in The Sims 3 was taken from The Sims 2 seasons (including a whole bunch of animations).
And tbh, everyone calls the Sims 2 "the goldchild" of the franchise, yet when people point out how lazy they were with the game, everyone goes on the "it was the first 3D Sims game, it's not comparable!!!11"
When The Sims 2 team tried, they made great original packs like Bon Voyage & Open For Business.
But they had a lot of packs that were just recycled content or resold scrapped base game content to players who were non-the-wiser).
But The Sims 4 Seasons is the first "Seasons" expansion pack where everything was built from scratch. So I think they did a good job on that alone.
My thoughts on The Sims 3 Seasons is that they basically copied and pasted half the weather and animations from The Sims 2 Seasons, but that was a common theme from TS3.
Some people don't mind devs copying all the animations from the console games/Sims 2 for Sims 3, but for me, I respect The Sims 4 much more because it's all fresh content.
However, I understand people not being bothered by it either if it means "more gameplay".
Like how Cats & Dogs in TS3 are copied from Sims 2, which was why we got Horses. If they did Cats & Dogs from scratch (like in Sims 4) we probably wouldn't have got horses in TS3 either.
So there is pros and cons to both.- Horrorgirl66 years agoSeasoned AceAll the seasons,and pets were build from scratch.
- DomainGoat906 years agoSeasoned Ace
"jackjack_k;c-17049364" wrote:
"@rudy8292;c-17034390" wrote:
"jackjack_k;c-17034379" wrote:
"@rudy8292;c-17033206" wrote:
"Horrorgirl6;c-17033192" wrote:
"MidnightAura;c-17032945" wrote:
"ListentoToppDogg;c-17032179" wrote:
Because the most vocal simmers have been demanding it for about a year now. I can't see university not being next at this point, especially when Grant is out here tweeting saying the fans are going to love the next EP. I couldn't imagine him saying that for a different EP knowing how much people have been demanding university.
The literal only other thing I could see the next EP being is a tropical vacation pack, only because it's rumored to come out in June. Otherwise, university seems to be the best bet.
To be fair, Grant says that every single time. Its as predictable as night following day.
Seasons and Get famous were pretty good though
Seasons still not the best Seasons imo. I still think it lacks (Sims 4 tradition). They can claim it to be ''the best version ever'' but that never was the truth when it comes to TS4 imo.
With The Sims 4 it's trade off after trade off and compromise after compromise.
The Sims 4’s Seasons is wayyyyy better than Sims 2 Seasons.
The Sims 2 Seasons didn’t have real weather for a start (it had an onscreen filter for everything). They couldn’t get real weather to work without it raining indoors (even though they could on the console games) and instead of patching it in for free when they did fix it they released a whole expansion around it.
The Gardening feature was a huge part of Seasons YET it was actually taken directly out of the Sims 2 PSP which shared the same engine. They added different plants but the system itself and certain animations was taken from the PSP game.
And if that wasn’t bad enough, they didn’t optimise it so your game (no matter what system you have) will become “heavy” and the camera controls slow down because it’s an onscreen filter rather than rendered in real time. The same thing occurs when Witches appear on your lot and they apply a filter to your screen.
This isn’t even “objective” this is what happens in game. You can’t tell me The Sims 4 Seasons has more trade offs than this? The Sims 4 snow is like 1 inch thick, but apart from that it’s feature filled.
You even need to buy Happy Holiday Stuff to have Christmas seperately.
Talk to me again if you played the Sims 3 Seasons.
The Sims 2 Seasons was the first Seasons ever, the Sims 4 Seasons is not.
What is the main part of a Seasons EP? Right. The Seasons and the Weather.
Why don't we have hail, layered snow, iciles hanging from the roofs in winter, rain effects on roofs and surfaces, no rain drop effects on various surfaces, no sunburns etc.
No, I still think Sims 3 seasons is the best. It is not fair to compare the Sims 2 to the Sims 4 imo. The Sims 2 Seasons was a first, while Sims 4 Seasons is not.
The calendar feature and the gardening is nice, but that doesn't make the Sims 4 version better than the Sims 3 version for me.
No, the missing snow depth is only a part of all the things missing and traded off in the Sims 4 version.
But in the end; if people like the Sims 4 version more, more power to them.
I didn't talk about Sims 3 seasons because it basically is comparable to Sims 4 seasons based on what you prefer. I don't think either is stronger than the other, as a lot of the weather in The Sims 3 was taken from The Sims 2 seasons (including a whole bunch of animations).
And tbh, everyone calls the Sims 2 "the goldchild" of the franchise, yet when people point out how lazy they were with the game, everyone goes on the "it was the first 3D Sims game, it's not comparable!!!11"
When The Sims 2 team tried, they made great original packs like Bon Voyage & Open For Business.
But they had a lot of packs that were just recycled content or resold scrapped base game content to players who were non-the-wiser).
But The Sims 4 Seasons is the first "Seasons" expansion pack where everything was built from scratch. So I think they did a good job on that alone.
My thoughts on The Sims 3 Seasons is that they basically copied and pasted half the weather and animations from The Sims 2 Seasons, but that was a common theme from TS3.
Some people don't mind devs copying all the animations from the console games/Sims 2 for Sims 3, but for me, I respect The Sims 4 much more because it's all fresh content.
However, I understand people not being bothered by it either if it means "more gameplay".
Like how Cats & Dogs in TS3 are copied from Sims 2, which was why we got Horses. If they did Cats & Dogs from scratch (like in Sims 4) we probably wouldn't have got horses in TS3 either.
So there is pros and cons to both.
So basically if you say they made Sims 4 things from scratch while they just copied Sims 3 stuff from the Sims 2 basically means they were lazy both of the time?
If they made everything in Sims 4 from scratch they made the (in my opinion) very poor choises to leave out very important weather stuff.
That really is my biggest gripe with the Sims 4. I love the artstyle, I think it fits amazing, but the trade offs and sacrifices we always have to make with The Sims 4 is just something that stands out big time. Especially when it comes to EP's.
I think it's sad.
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