Forum Discussion

FlamingoKicker's avatar
Seasoned Rookie
5 years ago

Why is the University "year" so short?

I was playing a sim yesterday and they went to college on a weekend but their class was scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday. So they did their term paper on the weekend (before they EVER went to class once) and finished her presentation. Then went to one class and then the next time was her Final? That seems way too short to get any thing done like in past games. I remember Sims 2 and 3 had much more engaging University expansions.

16 Replies

  • "Atreya33;c-17424775" wrote:
    "Beardedgeek;c-17424404" wrote:
    "Atreya33;c-17424227" wrote:
    "FlamingoKicker1;c-17424087" wrote:
    well, my sim failed out again. She left campus one day to go visit a friend and when she returned it was the next day? And she missed her Final which just happened to be on the FIRST day of class? What?

    Finals are normally on the last day of your term, the fifth weekday of the term. This depends on the day of the week you enrolled, for example my Sim started her term on Wednesday so her final is the next Tuesday. But a sim who starts on Friday will have exams on the following Thursday. In my experience if a class is scheduled on your last day of term, it will be a final. If the last class is scheduled for the second last day you get a presentation or paper to do.
    Usually sims have the same class every other day, so you should have had one or two regular classes before the final on the last day.
    That is how it works for me, unfortunately I have no idea why it seems to be going wrong in your game.

    Btw, my sim also left campus to visit other lots but that did not affect her class schedule or exams.

    This is not my experience at all. Terms always start on Monday, final day is always on Friday. Your final CLASS is whenever your final class is (Thursday or Friday) but the final score is not given to you until 6pm Friday that week.

    However in the case of Atreya above, is it possible she only had ONE day of class? Then it is also the LAST day of class as well as the first.
    Also, missing a full day is a very bad move in general, your grade is guaranteed to fall from an A to a B just by missing one class. If you leave campus you better keep track of your clock!

    Term can start on monday but it doesn't have to. There is even a discussion on this forum about starting terms on different days. The day you enroll decides the day your term starts. If you immediately re-enroll for the next term after your current term ends, then you can easily have all your terms start the same day.

    My theory of finals only happening if the class is schedules on the last day of you term, well that is just a theory. I have not yet had enough students to be absolutely sure.
    edit : just realised this is not correct

    But so far my students always had one or two regular classes before the final exam.

    That is weird, I have gone thru Uni four times now. No matter what day I enroll term always start on a monday for me. Tho I think I have only enrolled wednesdays or thursdays, come to think about it.
    Anyway, I always end up moving to the dorm friday night, term starting on monday, final day on the friday.

    Edit: As far as I know all classes has at least two days a week. But again, unless your game glitched out in ways I have never heard of, the only way you could have "skipped" a day is if you actually DID skip a day, aka played thru a whole day / night cycle somewhere else. Remember to always check your classes, especially since they stupidly enough are NOT sorted in order so the one three classes down on your work schedule might be starting in 2 hours...
  • I find the length of it just fine, personally. Any longer and I would go bonkers. LOL I have a tendency to have my Sims do back-to-back terms and just get it over with. This last (and only my second time through) I had five YAs in the same dorm, in the same uni, Go Britechester-U! It was quite a challenge, juggling all five, along with my Global Superstar keeping up with his concerts and the Paparazzi invading the privacy of his dorm room. :open_mouth: But we made it. LOL My Sims and me and I'm no worse for the wear. (I also followed some advice another player gave, and I turned off aging for the duration.) I play on Long, but even so most of their YA time is eaten up.

    Also, if you look at it this way, a Sim gives birth in three Sim days. In RL it takes nine months. Hence, a Sim Day = 3 months in RL. A term in uni is 7 week days which by the same calculation would equal 21 months. In the long run that's longer than in RL, but it's possible they come out with more than a mere BA. Could be they earn their Masters or higher?
  • I think the university is too long! 3 weeks of homework and term paper. What is the point in this ?
  • "jimbbq;c-17428472" wrote:
    I think the university is too long! 3 weeks of homework and term paper. What is the point in this?

    When your sim gets their degree, depending on their grades they will be starting at a much higher level when they start their career. One of my sims after she had, she started at level 8 in her chosen profession.
  • "LaBlue0314;c-17430294" wrote:
    "jimbbq;c-17428472" wrote:
    I think the university is too long! 3 weeks of homework and term paper. What is the point in this?

    When your sim gets their degree, depending on their grades they will be starting at a much higher level when they start their career. One of my sims after she had, she started at level 8 in her chosen profession.

    Yes, this! It's the main benefit of spending the first several weeks of your sim's young adult life in college, they'll start out in their chosen career at a much higher level. If you take only 2 or 3 classes per term, you'll spend a few extra weeks at university (4 weeks if you do 3/term, 6 weeks if you do 2/term, some other combination if you flip between 2-3 and even throw in a 4), but you'll also have more time to work on getting them higher grades (and therefore a higher starting level in their profession and a bigger signing bonus) as well as time to let them have a life beyond study-homework-class-repeat.

    Also, if you aim to start the term on a Wednesday or Thursday (so you enroll on Tuesday or Wednesday, because the first day of term will be the next day after you enroll), you have the weekend built into the term, so you have a couple of extra days to get work done and also enjoy life (as opposed to if you enroll on Sunday and term starts on Monday, because then it ends on Friday and you don't get the benefit of the weekend).
  • "smoothyrus129;c-17430455" wrote:
    "LaBlue0314;c-17430294" wrote:
    "jimbbq;c-17428472" wrote:
    I think the university is too long! 3 weeks of homework and term paper. What is the point in this?

    When your sim gets their degree, depending on their grades they will be starting at a much higher level when they start their career. One of my sims after she had, she started at level 8 in her chosen profession.

    Yes, this! It's the main benefit of spending the first several weeks of your sim's young adult life in college, they'll start out in their chosen career at a much higher level. If you take only 2 or 3 classes per term, you'll spend a few extra weeks at university (4 weeks if you do 3/term, 6 weeks if you do 2/term, some other combination if you flip between 2-3 and even throw in a 4), but you'll also have more time to work on getting them higher grades (and therefore a higher starting level in their profession and a bigger signing bonus) as well as time to let them have a life beyond study-homework-class-repeat.

    Also, if you aim to start the term on a Wednesday or Thursday (so you enroll on Tuesday or Wednesday, because the first day of term will be the next day after you enroll), you have the weekend built into the term, so you have a couple of extra days to get work done and also enjoy life (as opposed to if you enroll on Sunday and term starts on Monday, because then it ends on Friday and you don't get the benefit of the weekend).

    I tend to enroll on Thursdays or Fridays, so I start on Mondays. But i move into the dorm on Saturday morning or Friday night, so same there, I get my term paper and / or presentation done before the robot exhibition on Sunday and the first round of homework done before bedtime that Sunday.