Forum Discussion

ADashofAsh90's avatar
Seasoned Vanguard
6 years ago

Wrong lot type error suddenly?


I wanted to ask if anyone is suddenly having this issue? Or has had it in the past? My game suddenly is showing this on random lots claiming residentials are parks and such. Not sure how to fix?

Took out mods and same issue.

13 Replies

  • ADashofAsh90's avatar
    Seasoned Vanguard
    6 years ago
    Mine were green on some because I have sims living in them haha. Okay, I can try sell business and see if that works.
  • Meka3211's avatar
    Rising Newcomer
    6 years ago
    @ashcrash19 - this is happening in my game too. But it's not just on residential lots. I think it's happening on any lot that was changed before. I have a screenshot of a Nightclub that is showing an error with 'Restaurant-Incomplete'.

    But I'm most concerned about the Residential Lots. I can't load my household. Selling the "business" did nothing in my game. I moved my family from Manage Households tab, thinking I would just find them another house. But they own Retail stores and Vet Clinics, so if I move them from Manage Households tab, I'll lose all progress with the businesses (as households need to be moved from their phone to stay intact). Right now, my game is unplayable.....or shall I say this Save is unplayable.

    SimsVIP Retweeted Crinricts posting on Twitter, regarding this issue so hopefully it'll get some visibility and a fix soon.
  • EA_Rtas's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    6 years ago
    It might be a good idea folks to post this to the AHQ board, if it's a bug that's causing this that's the place to post it so it can be seen and looked into. I'll link you to the PC AHQ board : Here I'm going to close this off here so you can take it to AHQ. I hope you're able to get this sorted!