Forum Discussion

alan650's avatar
New Spectator
6 years ago

You can use Get Together Clubs as Dorm Roomie Affiliations after all!

I thought you couldn't do this but the first thing I did was go in game and try it out:

This opens so much customization when we make dorms! We essentially can make sororities and spellcaster only or frat houses! Whatever we want! Loving the customization already. Can't wait to actually play it. :)

EDIT : I meant to put this in expansion forum if somebody can move it!

6 Replies

  • Has anyone already tried this? I can't make it work :/ I created a club of students, enrolled them all in one Uni, even made them homeless and unplayable (was not sure if game will pick played sims), but when my sim moves to a dorm, no one is there.
    I updated broken mods, but I'm not sure is it a mod conflict or I do something wrong.
    I'll try in on a test save without mods, but maybe someone knows how to do it right.
  • @somewhsome - have you made it work? Did you set "affiliation" in the settings for the dorm? I'm trying to figure this out also. My guess is I have to make a "club" and then move all but one member "out of the world" and then send the remaining member to university.