7 years ago
Your cutest pets?
Hi ! I'm trying to make a cute pet but in really struggling to make a cat or dog thats cute! (i dont wanna download one :D). I wanted to have a look at everyones cutest or most favorite pets in TS4 f...
"MelsieYT;c-16500847" wrote:
These are my favorites, although I don't think it's their looks that made me so attached - it's playing them for a really long ime. I love big dogs and definitely prefer them over small dogs IRL, so of course I'd be the same with my sim pups. These two are mixed breeds, I don't remember exactly which kind: pretty sure Siberian husky x German shepherd for the red one, and black lab z Australian shepherd for the darker one.
One way to make cute dogs in CAS is to play with genetics! You can take two different breeds you like and see what offspring you can come up with, then edit the baby to your liking.