2 years agoLegend
A Question Regarding Mods Folders
I do know that you can have more than one saves folder in your game, so long as you add dot and a label for the second one. IE saves.Cantrell. The dot keeps the game from reading it. But I had a thought occur to me about the Mods folder. I am wondering if we can have two Mods folders, so long as one of them is marked Mods dot whatever? I have some mods, cc, that I don't want nor will use in a second saves game. For instance, I have a hankering to start my Ancestral save again. I would need the 18th century clothing and objects, that I really wouldn't need for my Cantrell save. Has anybody ever tried it? Am I mad to see what happens? What are the risks?
Please, and thank you, in advance.
Please, and thank you, in advance.