The list refers to mods that are outdated. It won't be about issues that a updated mods have. This is another topic and is best taken to creator.
There's a main thread for MCCC not working here MC Command Center not showing up but it's always best to check Deaderpools Discord instead of asking here.
Symptom: All doors are missing/Script error when placing new ones
Cause: Adult mods by Basemental
Link: [MOD RELATED] All my doors are missing/ Can't place doors
Note: If you saved your game with the doors gone, they won't come back by remove the mod. You will need to place them again. The script error should not occur.
Symptom: Blank Icons in the UI, overall UI glitching and looking awful. Can extend to main menu and the gallery showing wwwwwwwwww instead of text.
Cause: UI Cheat, BetterBuildBuy, Other mods that change the UI
Link: [MOD RELATED] Icons are blank squares/ UI Glitching
Note. Mods can be removed without side effects.
Symptom: World Map has overlying text
Cause: UI Cheat, BetterBuildBuy, Other mods that change the UI
Link: World Overview GUI messed up
Note. Mods can be removed without side effects.
Symptom: All color options are broken in CAS. Color does not change-.
Cause: More Columns In CAS, possibly other Mods that change the UI in CAS
Link: [MOD RELATED] Color options broken
Note: Mods can be removed without side effects.
Symptom: Sims will not eat. They just drop the food to the floor
Cause: Usually custom content objects
Link: [CC RELATED] Sims won’t eat since update
Note: If EA adds an new interaction to an object, all CC that is cloned from that object needs updating. Placed CC can cause this. Currently the main issues are CC Beds and Phone mods. Mods can be removed without side effects.
Symptom:Sims reset when doing homework
Cause: Usually custom content objects. Currently the main issues are CC Beds and Phone mods
Link: Sims reset when doing homework
Note: If EA adds an new interaction to an object, all CC that is cloned from that object needs updating. Placed CC can cause this. Currently the main issues are CC Beds and Phone mods. Mods can be removed without side effects.
Symptom: When trying to load the new world, only a white screen is shown
Cause: T.O.O.L
Link: [MOD RELATED] Can't access world map - Copperdale
Note: Mods can be removed without side effects.
Symptom: When switching to build/buy, there's no GUI
Cause: UI Cheat extension, ColorSlidersUI, possibly other UI mods
Link: [MOD RELATED] Missing Buy/Build
Note: Mods can be removed without side effects., If you have this issue and you do not run any mods/play on console, please use this thread instead: Sims 4 unable to build/ use live mode
Symptom: When trying to place a bed (cc or not) it gets deleted
Cause: CC Beds
Link: [CC BED RELATED] Double beds disappear in build/buy bug
Note: Mods can be removed without side effects.,
Symptom: X on accessory is missing in CAS
Cause: More Columns in CAS
Link: [MOD RELATED] Cas X is gone and cant remove item
Note: Mods can be removed without side effects.
Symptom:Mouse Cursor has weird icons
Cause: CAS Mod
Link: Mouse Cursor has weird icons
Note: Mods can be removed without side effects.
Symptom: When I try to filter stuff in buy/build it shows everything
Cause: Better BuildBuy or Wrongly uninstalled Better Buy/Build. Turn off organised debug before deleting the mod.
Link: [MOD RELATED] Buy mode categories showing all items
Note: Not sure what you need to do if you didn't do it. Probably wait till the mod got updated.
Symptom:Clicking on Beds doesn't offer sleep option
Cause: Bed cuddle mod, possibly other mods that change something about beds.
Link: [MOD RELATED] Beds have no sleep option
Note: Mods can be removed without side effects.
Error Codes
<Under Construction>
Will add specific errors to this section later.
Symptom On loading a lot, the game returns to the world and the message: Game failed to load, please try reloading appears
Cause: The cause of this issue varies greatly. The Error Code you're getting is important. Usually this is either a game bug or cause by one of the big script mods.
Link: None, please create your own thread, posting a screenshot of the error.
Note. Please always test without any mods before making a thread.