Forum Discussion

Simmerville's avatar
Seasoned Ace
4 months ago

CC wallpapers affected by 9/18 patch?

I just patched my game, and while most seems to work fine, I noticed some problems with a few custom wallpapers. I never expected wallpapers to be a problem, as I thought they had rather simple tech features, and also that they all were created the same way technically.

Some of them show the blue/red with a big question mark on. I've seen something similar before on CC clothing, and think it refers to missing swatch. However, the same wall paper can now work in one room, but not in another room upstairs. Because the two floors have different wall height, I though maybe there was some minor tech upgrade related to missing swatch for a certain height. I thought the wall would then just not appear in the B/B catalog, but in this case it was already on the wall and working fine prior to the patch.

I also noticed that when pointing on the wall in an  affected room, the outer wall would vanish for a blink of a second, then restore back to normal. This did nit happen for rooms with working wallpaper. When I replaced the question mark walls, the vanishing stopped for that room.

Has this anything to do with DirectX? I just noticed, much to my surprise, that my game had launched DirectX 11.1 although my old computer with integrated vid card is lagging already. Because of the vanishing of walls, could my problem relate to DirectX 11.1?

I just don't understand how a patch can make some CC walls invalid, while other CC walls are fine. Can other objects in that room make a difference? Like light sources or animated objects (fire place etc)?

Any thoughts?

PS: I did remove Mods when patching, and have put it all back in. Hard testing CC walls without adding the files, but I did not search for other CC objects affecting the walls - no idea how that would even be possible for them to do so?

  • Many CC wallpapers are poorly designed for DX11. You can batch-fix them in Sims 4 Studio. 

    • beksvader's avatar
      Rising Rookie

      I installed Sims 4 Studio few years ago in order to batch fix beds and sofas (disappearing) but unfortunately I messed (I think it's was my mistake) something and it deleted all my Mods folder permanently. Was stressful experience and I decided to never use it again, no courage to even try to learn how to use it.

      • Simmerville's avatar
        Seasoned Ace

        Thanks for the warning. I'll make sure to backup everything before I get to it. I'm to busy for testing right now, so I just checked the DirectX9 box for now.

    • Simmerville's avatar
      Seasoned Ace

      Thanks, I'll check out S4S later then. For now I just reverted to DirectX9.

      However, I still don't understand how a wallpaper can be designed well or poorly. I thought it was only about the flat texure being added, but maybe it is possible to add features that requires a bit higher skill level than mine ;)

    • Seepra66400's avatar
      Rising Newcomer

      I have the same problems with some of my wallpapers... Does anyone have batch fixed the wallpapers in Sims4Studio ? I tried without success... if someone knows how to do I would be glad to get a tutorial ...

  • I have exactly the same problem with many wallpapers and floors and I am surprised cos some of that was made by mine most trusted creators I never had any problem. Checking your post for possible solution...

    • Simmerville's avatar
      Seasoned Ace

      I was surprised too, when seeing that some very talented CC creators were involved.

      I felt slightly more lag with D11 so I reverted to D9. I'm not so sure my old computer would benefit much from such a version upgrade anyway.

  • I believe it is an issue with dx11 because the wallpapers were originally designed with dx9 in mind. If I'm not mistaken you can fix them with sims 4 studio!!

    • scipiogarling's avatar
      Seasoned Novice

      " If I'm not mistaken you can fix them with sims 4 studio!!" I have and used S4S, but I have no idea how you would go about "fixing" them (or anything else).

      • Pahndamonium32's avatar
        Seasoned Rookie

        It's pretty easy, at the top of the main menu choose Content Management then batch fixes. There are several options for various things you can fix. Move your game Mods that aren't CC to your desktop before running any batch fix. Also, batch fixes have been known to bork CC eyelashes so move those too.