Forum Discussion

JaggidEdje's avatar
7 years ago

Creating a Custom Father Winter?

After a lot of google searching, I couldn't find any information on how to create a custom father winter, like you can do for other service sims and whatnot. Could be interesting to create one from scratch though...Like if you want a "grinch" Father Christmas, which you give the evil, mean, hates children traits to.

So far I figured out that the two things for sure that are needed are the Father Winter career and the Father Winter trait, with these codes to add them:

careers.add_career career_Adult_NPC_FatherWinter
Traits.equip_trait trait_HolidayTradition_FatherWinter

I imagine they also need to be evicted and made homeless once you get done cheating them, like many of the service roles.

Has anyone else experimented with this and determined if there is more needed for Father winter functionality beside the two above things?

9 Replies

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  • I'm surprised nobody has commented on this. I was just technically trying to do that since the original Clement Frost is somehow "retired" in my game, and he isn't the official "father winter" anymore, so the game keeps assigning random guys for that role. (he is "not in world" I never moved him in any house) I was trying to re-assign my Clement Frost as the father winter, and tried those exact cheats with no success. I don't know what's wrong with Clement Frost. He should be like the Grim Reaper, whatever you do with Grim, he keeps his job why it isn't the same way with Father Winter? Makes no sense.
  • @veronica55 Thank you for giving this a bump, somehow missed this post. I'm in the process of assigning different sims to different NPC positions in the game.
  • Nevermind I just found how exactly to assign any sim as father winter explained at answers.ea but I'm not allowed to post links here somehow, weird.. anyways so I copy that post:

    1. Load up any sim and pause the game
    2. Open the cheat console with shift+control+c
    3. Type testingcheats on
    4. Type sims.get_sim_id_by_name Clement Frost (or the name of any sim you want)
    This should display an ID number for Clement Frost
    5. Type sims.summon_sim_to_zone
    Don't use the brackets - it should look like: sims.summon_sim_to_zone 123456789. If you did it correct, Clement Frost should appear on the lot.
    6. Type traits.equip_trait trait_HolidayTradition_FatherWinter
    7. Type careers.add_career career_adult_NPC_FatherWinter
    This should assign the job of Father Winter to Clement Frost.
    8. Type testingcheats off
    9. Save the game and exit back to Manage Worlds, then delete any other Father Winters the game made from the world if you only want Clement Frost to be the only Father Winter.

    Now I can post links yay!

  • By custom do you just mean your own edit because I've edited my Clement Frost and when he arrived he looked like how I made him but when he came back later he got reset back Maxis original. It was the same sim not a newly generated one so I've just assumed that Clement Frost also has a set cas template to follow.
  • @veronica55, thanks, that was exactly what I was looking for. I followed these steps and everything works fine. To accomplish step 9 I had to use MCCC's Unhide Hidden Households feature.

    @VentusMatt, did you use the everyday outfit (Cat. 0), the career outfit (Cat. 6), or the situation outfit (Cat. 7)?

  • "TopNotchToddler;c-17028430" wrote:
    @veronica55, thanks, that was exactly what I was looking for. I followed these steps and everything works fine. To accomplish step 9 I had to use MCCC's Unhide Hidden Households feature.

    Great! It does work indeed but after some time the game again retires him and generates another father winter, so the whole process should be repeated to get the actual father winter return to his job. I can't think of a way how to avoid it. It's just how the game works. Father winters are auto-retired at some point. Eventually I let it be. LOL
  • I never even thought of changing his outfits. I’m totally going to try using MCCC the next time I have the Father Winter tradition.
    So, which outfit did you edit @VentusMatt?
  • "veronica55;c-17028594" wrote:
    Great! It does work indeed but after some time the game again retires him and generates another father winter, so the whole process should be repeated to get the actual father winter return to his job. I can't think of a way how to avoid it. It's just how the game works. Father winters are auto-retired at some point. Eventually I let it be. LOL

    Aww. That is unfortunate. I've had mine for two consecutive Winterfests now and hoped he would stick around. I wanted to try this with a female Santa (would it work? would she produce Father Winter babies?), but now I wonder if it is worth the trouble.
  • I completely changed him not just his outfit. Made him thinner and look younger since he is a YA but once he came back his hair was white/grey again and all his features were back to their maxis original look.

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