4 years ago
Hidden crib mod suggestions
So I love playing with CC cribs because the base game bassinet is so hideous, but I've been struggling to find an updated hidden crib mod. My old one by LiKo and the new one I just installed today by PandaC both select one skin tone and all the babies look the same in the crib and only have their true skin tones when being held. I did find a new updated hidden crib mod by Martine that doesn't mess up skin tones but it doesn't work the same way with CC cribs that the other ones do - it's not moveable in the same way over objects. She posted something about needing to remove the footprint of an object in S4S using the warehouse tab but honestly I cannot figure out how to use S4S for the life of me and there is no warehouse tab in sight. So does anyone know of a hidden crib mod that works with CC cribs without needing to do something extra in S4S but also shows the baby with the correct skin tone?