5 years ago
Interaction types and object compatibility
Am I correct in assuming, that certain objects can only take certain types of interactions?
I'm trying to make a custom object with an custom interaction with the Sims 4 Studio. I noticed that, if I for example, use a painting object as a base to build my custom object on, then that object can only take SuperInteractions and not immediateSuperInteractions as interaction tunings. With the clock "The Sentinel" it can only take ImmediateSuperInteractions and not SuperInteractions?
Am I correct in assuming, that certain objects can only take certain types of interactions?
I'm trying to make a custom object with an custom interaction with the Sims 4 Studio. I noticed that, if I for example, use a painting object as a base to build my custom object on, then that object can only take SuperInteractions and not immediateSuperInteractions as interaction tunings. With the clock "The Sentinel" it can only take ImmediateSuperInteractions and not SuperInteractions?