8 years ago
Lag specifically in CAS
Hi. So ever since I've installed cc into my game, CAS has been a really frustrating process for me. When I start up CAS, I usually remove all the clothes from my sim, so I can start off on a clean slate. Everything's running very fast, smooth body adjustments. However, when I put on certain pieces of cc, everything goes haywire. When I adjust my sim's body with cc on, it's very glitchy and slow (like altering the thighs, waist, face, anything) to the point where I never make new sims because it takes forever to get them the way I'd like. However, very few pieces of cc allow CAS to run better, and they're maxis match pieces. I'm alright with maxis match, but I've always preferred more realistic looking clothing and hair. I only download cc from well known tumblr pages that I know I can trust, and only featured artists on TSR. I've also recently installed City Living a couple days ago (which is the only EP I own) but I don't think that's affected it because the CAS glitches have been persisting for 3 weeks now; the time I started getting into a lot of cc. Loading times aren't a problem for me. Anything other than CAS, like gameplay and such, works perfectly other than occasional lag which I don't mind. I clear my cache every time I can. At this point, I don't know what to do since I've searched everywhere for an answer. I'm so sorry if the answer is obvious, because if so I must be blind. I play the sims 4 on a macOS Sierra, Version 10.12.6 if that matters. If there's any other information you need to help me out, please let me know. Thanks :smile: