LampFestival (
CityLivingMods): Townie outfit fix: Dark siders will wear party wear at the lamp festival, Light siders will wear formal wear. No more randomly generated clothes at the festival (except for the festival shirts).
LandlordTextFix (
CityLivingMods): The landlord will no longer tell your Sims to not call him when he´s not needed when he actually was.
Laundry_BuffsAndSoloIdlesFix (
LaundryDayMods): Tunes down some of the laundry buffs as well as the disturbing solo idle animations.
LaundryDryFaster (
LaundryDayMods): Laundry on the clothesline will dry faster with this mod.
Leafpile_Destroy (
SeasonsMods): Allows you to destroy leaf piles with several clicks. As each leave pile consist of several parts, you have to click several times before the leafpile will vanish completely.
Leafpile_NoFreshnessDecay (
SeasonsMods): Leaf piles will not decay in freshness.
LessAutonomousBath (
MiscMods): Sims will prefer the shower over taking a bath in most cases. The bubble bath will only be chosen autonomously by kids, goofballs, childish an pregnant Sims. The special baths that came with Spa Day are reserved to be autonomously chosen at the relaxation center and will no longer be chosen by your party guests an other visitors.
LessAutonomousBedNaps (
MiscMods): Sims will only choose to nap in a bed autonomously if they are not really tired.
LessAutonomousCheckOnToddler (
MiscMods): Makes Sims check on toddlers less.
LessAutonomousComputer (
MiscMods): Self explaining.
LessAutonomousEspressoDrinking (
GetTogetherMods): Sims will order less espresso at Coffee Shops. NPC guests will gain less weight from the foods. The espressomashine will get dirty less often and is more likely to get cleaned.
LessAutonomousPlayInRain (
SeasonsMods): Only Sims with the following traits will play in rain autonomously: toddler, child, childisch, goofball, insane, rain lovers.
LessBarNights (GetTogetherMods): Disables the following bar nights: alien, bear, ghost and knight night.
LessBrainFreezeAndDislikeFood (
FoodRelatedMods): The brain freeze and dislike food animations will happen less often.
LessCelebReact (
GetFamousMods): Tunes down the reaction to celebs a bit. Especially DJs will no longer constantly forget about their task. When a star starts posing, they will still cheer a bit, but will go back to duty quickly.
LessElderExhaustion (
MiscMods): Elder Sims will be able to do a bit more sports before they get exhausted.
LessEldersAtLounge (
MiscMods): There are less elders showing up at the lounge with this mod.
LessFilthyDogWalkers (
Cats&DogsMods): Dog walkbys will be covered in mud less often.
LessGardeningInfection (
MiscMods): Bug infestation of your plants is reduced with this mod.
LessGardeningMoistureDecay (
MiscMods): Plants will need only need half as much watering.
LessGardeningWeeds (
MiscMods): Weeds spawn more slowly with this mod.
LessJealous (
MiscMods): Tweaks the behaviour of jealous sims.
LessLonglivingActiveSims (
MiscMods): Active and long living Sims will not live that much longer than other Sims.
LessNPCGrilling (
MiscMods): Reduces autonomous npc grilling in the open areas of a neighbourhood as on of the main factors of your Sims getting fat while you´re playing other households.
LessNPCMarkestallOrders (
CityLivingMods): Sims will order food at market stalls less often.
LessPetBushExplore (
Cats&DogsMods): Pets will explore bushes less often with this mod.
LessRainMoreSun (
SeasonsMods): Tweaks the EA weather just a bit so that rain will be less likely and sunny days a little more likely.
LessRandomBarflys (
MiscMods): The game will no longer generate various townies every time you visit the bar.
LessSickness (
GetToWorkMods): Sims are getting ill less frequently. After having cured an illness with medicine, they'll be immune for some time.
LessStinkyGreenHygiene (
MiscMods): The stinky green hygiene effects will only be visible if Sims or Pets are extremely dirty.
LessThinkOfFamilyMembers (
ParentingMods): Sims will no longer be obsessed with thinking of their family members.
LessWatchToddler (
MiscMods): Sims will less often use the watch toddler interaction.
LiveDraggableBassinet (
MiscMods): Makes the bassinet draggable in live mode so you can keep your baby near your Sims without having to enter build mode. The optional 2nd package includes texture overrides for the 4 bassinet colours.
LottraitEffectsHider (
CityLivingMods): Hides the disturbing visible effects of all lot traits. Version 2 also changes some of he buffs to happy (child play and fast internet) and fixes the annoyant convival lot buff.
LoveEmailTweak (
MiscMods): If your Sims send a love email, there is now a chance that your crush will invite you for a date as a reaction.
MistletoeKissInWinterOnly (
SeasonsMods): Enables the mistletoe kiss only in the winter season.
MoreAskWhatHappened (
MiscMods): Sims will be able to ask other Sims what happend after some events (like cheating, divorce, negative pregnancy test ...).
MoreChildrenAtParks (
MiscMods): Parks will be visited by random toddlers with this mod. During school hours and at nights, there will be no children at the park. Teens will mainly use parks in the evening. Version 2 will only use existing toddlers, no NPC-toddlers will be generated if you do not have enough. Version 3 differs from version 2 in that toddlers will only show up at parks with the Child’s Play lot trait.
MoreDeathSurprise (
MiscMods): Well treated sims have a chance of not dying of old age even when their live bar is full.
MoreDonate (
MiscMods): Sims can donate larger sums to charity (10.000, 25.000 and 50.000).
MoreEfficientPetBrushing (
Cats&DogsMods): Tweaks the brush pet interaction so that it will take longer, but fill your pet's hygiene need.
MoreEffectiveSkillBookLearning (
MiscMods): Book learning for the skills herbalism and baking will be faster than usual. You can request more skills to be added. I thought those two to bei the most tedious to learn from just doing practise.
MoreFoodAtBar (
FoodRelatedMods): Adds more foods to order at bars on community lots.
MoreFoodAtCafe (
FoodRelatedMods): Adds more cakes, bagels and stuff to order at coffee shop venues.
MoreGrandMeals (
SeasonsMods): Changes some of the top level food dishes (e.g. Winter Cake and Crownroast) to grand meals so that your Sims will have more choices when fulfilling that holiday tradition.
MoreGroceryShopping (
CityLivingMods): Adds some vegetables, herbs et al. EA forgot to add to the grocery stand.