PaintingBuffsFix (
MiscMods): Changes the confident painting buffs to inspired buffs.
PartyAspirationFix (
MiscMods): All kinds of parties count towards the party aspiration goals.
PartyToddlers (
MiscMods): Fixes the party outfits of toddlers at the black and white and costume party. Version 1: For players who do not own the Toddler Stuff Pack. Version 2: For players who own the Toddler Stuff Pack. Version 3: Same as version 2, but all Sims wear black at the black and white party and there are funeral themed interactions. Version 4 adds the Get Famous Costumes as party costumes, otherwise it is the same as version 3.
PatientsSit (
GetToWorkMods): Patients will sit down while waiting to be checked in. This is a very small and simple mod by choice. If you´re looking for a more in depth-overhaul of the Doctor career, be sure to check out coolspearls Mod over at Naughty Sims Asylum.
PBoxUpdated_UseMoreFreshIngredients (
FoodRelatedMods): A while ago plasticbox at MTS did a fabulous mod for more fresh ingredients to be used for the larger food sizes. I completely redid that mod and wanted to share here for he doe not update anymore. Version 2 makes ingredients a requirement for cooking instead of a mere option. There is a separate package for the minestrone, don’t install that if you have my Granny’s super soup mod.
PetAnxiousBuffFix (
Cats&DogsMods): Hotfix for the bug that pets that ate the wellness treat or got a preventative shot get an anxious moodlet over and over agein. Pets that already show that bug can be cured by another wellness-treat or a preventative shot.
PetInHeatTweak (
Cats&DogsMods): Pets in heat will be less of a nuisance with this mod.
PetWalkbysInOtherWorlds (
Cats&DogsMods): Strays and dog walkers will be generated as walkbys in other worlds as well (not only Brindleton Bay).
Photoframe_Family1t (
MiscMods): Adds a smple framed, one-tiled, self-configuarable family photo to buy mode. The frame colours are matching those of my photoframetweak.
PhotoframeTweak (
MiscMods): Adds more recolor choices to photo frames. Get to work ist required for the large and medium sized photo frames (These are compiled in 4 separate packages.)
PimplesMod (
ParentingMods): If your Sims stand in front of the sink in the morning, they might notice something odd: pimples! Teenagers (and on rare occasions older Sims as well) can get pimples with this mod. They are assigned a hidden moodlet which will last for a maximum of 24 hours. The time can be reduced if you do anti-stress activities (like yoga, shower). Sims will get pimples randomly, and based on their traits they will either be less ore more prone to get pimples. Some Sims might even suffer from severe acne, while Sims with the reward trait "great kisser" will never get acne, so buy this reward trait if you want to spare some Sims.
Also based on their traits (and some randomness), Sims will get a 2 hour lasting embarrassed moodlet when they notice the pimples. Other Sims will not be affected by pimples that much.
Your Sims can get rid of their pimples by taking medicine, herbal remedies (deodorant) or a cup of green tea resp. Lemon Honey Ginger tea. Their parents might also chose to share detoxation secrets with them or help them to relax (the latter interaction will only remove the embarassed moodlet, though).
Sims who are relaxed and well kept will not get pimples. So share relaxing techniques will also help your Sims to provide for not getting pimples.
PlantsGoDormantInWinterOnly (
SeasonsMods): Similar to the Sims 2 style, plants will only go dormant in winter with this mod, so your Sims can harvest from spring to autumn.
PlayCardsTweak (
MiscMods): Sims will no longer play cards autonomous on residential lots.
PregnantSimsCanDoMore (
MiscMods): Pregnant Sims can do yoga and use the sauna with this mod.
PregnantWalkstyleLater (
MiscMods): Disables the pregnant walk style for the second trimester.
PrivacyTweak (
MiscMods): Close friends and relatives share bathrooms without ado.
RealIcecreamAtSeasonsMarketstalls (
SeasonsMods): Sims can now order ordinary ice cream at Seasons market stalls (Cool Kitchen Stuff Pack required).
RealVampireCure (
VampireMods): The vampire cure will now properly heal your vampires so they revert to quite normal Sims even if the had fulfilled a vampire aspiration before seeking cure.
RestaurantBakeFix (
FoodRelatedMods): Sims will order all Get to Work baking goods autonomously at restaurants with this mod.
RestaurantGuestOverhaul (
FoodRelatedMods): Modifies the guests that dine at a restaurant. You will now see familys with two kids, parents with their grown up offspring and friends dining together. There will be less celebrities.
RestaurantIceFix (
FoodRelatedMods): Sims will order ice cream autonomously at restaurants with this mod.
RestaurantSitTweak (
FoodRelatedMods): Less waking around in restaurants.
RocketScienceBookLearningTweak (
MiscMods): Sims can now reach the 10th level of rocketscience from reading the advanced skill book.
RoleOutfitDisabled_ByChoice (
MiscMods): There are several packages that let you disable several role/job outfits by choice (e. g. maid, mailman, director, librarian, butler, nanny, ...). Just install what you want.
SadMourning (
MiscMods): Only sad Sims can autonomously mourn at tombstones with this mod. Restores the option to mourn at gravestones even if the stored sim has been sent to the netherworld. Performing the special Day of the Death interaction on tombstones fulfils the remembrance holiday goal.
SecretAlien (
GetToWorkMods): Aliens don't get alien mood buffs anymore so they are no loner exposed by their strong moods.
ShareDeathThoughs (
MiscMods): Sims can share melancholical thoughts with others after they witnessed someone die and thus give the target sim a sad moodlet as well.
ShorterDogWalks (
Cats&DogsMods): Taking your dog for a walk will take less longer with this mod.
SiblingCareTweaks (
MiscMods): Teens and kids will gain character values when performing certain interactions with their younger siblings (mainly babys). Based on character and a good deal of randomness, Sims will not get positve or negative moodlets from interacting with a baby.
SimpleFlirtIsNoCrassAct (
MiscMods): Simple Flirt, compliment appearance and exchange numbers interactions will not be considered a crass act by unflirty Sims anymore. Other romance socials still will.
SimsVomitMore (
MiscMods): Self explaining.
SingInShowerNoGroupInteraction (
GetTogetherMods): Sims will no longer sing in showers as a group interaction.
SkillDayTweak (
SeasonsMods): This small mod replaces the surprise battle royale and prank holiday by the surprise skill holiday.
SleepyWalkstyleReduced (
MiscMods): Sims will only walk sleepy if they are extremely tired.
SomeCatAndDogStraysInOtherWorlds (
SeasonsMods): A small mod which replaces the scouting and leaf playing sims and some others by stray cats and dogs so you will see some stray cats an dogs strolling through all neighbourhoods.
StrayCatsAndDogsInCityLifeWorld (
Cats&DogsMods): Some of the homeless Sim walkbys in San Myshuno are replaced by stray cats and dogs with this mod.
StormMoodletTweak (
SeasonsMods): With this mod, not all sims will get a stressed/sad moodlet while inside during a thunderstorm. For instance, most children and toddlers will fear thunderstorms, but wild toddlers or loud children (childhood phase) won't. On the contrary, only few adults will fear thunderstorms - there are exeptions for e. g. squeamisch sims, Sims who hate rain or wind, though.
StrayTweak (
Cats&DogsMods): Reduces the time stays walkbys will stay in a neighbourhood before leaving from 6 hours two 2 hours.
StrongerCoffeeInActiveCareers (
GetToWorkMods): Coffee will be much stronger if drunk on the Get to Work career lots so that Sims can gain enough energy for their daily tasks.
SwimmingIsFunAndHygienic (
MiscMods): Swimming enhances the motives fun and hygiene.
SwitchToZoneAndBringHereTweak (
MiscMods): Allows switching to the zone of another sims in more situations. Also adds icons to the swith to zone and bring here from zone interactions so that they cannot be so easily confoundet.
TeenHangoutOverhaul (
MiscMods): If you give the near good school lot trait to a bar, library, club, pool, lounge, forest park, cafe, natural pool, karaoke bar or arts center, a lot more teens will visit that lot. There’s a separate package for bar. If you also have my lessbarnights mod, please delete that package file as the two are not compatible.
TemperatureAthleticOutfitFix (
SeasonsMods): Athletic wear will keep your Sims warm when it's cold outside, because they are doing workout or have just done. Also for career and situation outfit category.
ThermostatOutfitTweak (
SeasonsMods): When the thermostat is on, Sims will change from their coldweather outfits to everyday inside. When its hot outside and the thermostat is cooling, sims change from hotweather outfit to everyday when inside. Sims will also change from hot weather outfit into their everyday outfit when feeling chilled outside. Sims will now also change from coldweather wear to everyday if they enter a room with a lit fireplace.
ThirstTweak (
MiscMods): Sims will be less thirsty. Only plant Sims will take glasses of water from the sink. Only Sims with maxed mixology skill will autonomously start crafting drinks at the bar.
ThirsttweakFestivalTea (
CityLivingMods): When your Sims drink festival tea, they will get an energy boost which helps them to stay longer at the festival.
ToddlerStrangerFix (
MiscMods): Fixes a bug where Sims would not be able to talk to a toddler whom they don't know yet (and the other way round).
TouristOverhaul (
CityLivingMods): Prevents townies in San Myshuno from wearing the tourist outfit. They´ll wear their everyday outfit instead. Version2 leaves the tourist outfit, but disables the hideous socks and hats.
TownieOverhaul (
MiscMods): Small overhaul of townies. Changes for instance the hotdog, clown and city live out of home townies to more normal townies / your own Sims. Also changes the household templates for single moms to families with mum, dad, a teen and a child.
TownieOverhaul_LessFame (
MiscMods): With this mod, celebrities will no longer invade all lots in your neighbourhoods. The mod also reduces the generation of new townies significantly. The only Sims that will be generated are those with special traits or careers required. There is a separate package for the Jungle natives. As soon as you install that package, no further natives will be created. For reduced celebrities in restaurants please download my restaurantguestoverhaul mod. Important note: This mod is not compatible with my small townieoverhaul mod.
TunedDownHolidayBuffs (
SeasonsMods): Reduces strenght and duration of the moodlets your Sims get after a successful holiday.
UniformRaccoon (
CityLivingMods): Townie outfit fix: I got tired of the trash panda outfit so I replaced it with kind of a punk outfit.
UpgradeBeds (
MiscMods): f your Sims have enough money to spare, they can now upgrade their cheap beds with a better matress and slatted frame to be just as good as an expensive bed - without having to put up with the looks of some of the expensive EA beds. The optional second package also reduces the chance of a monster waking up your children if they have an upgraded bed.
VacationWedding (
OutdoorRetreatMods): Sims can marry on vacation. Also fixes the bug that Sims cannot marry because of employment issues. Allows for autonomous proposals.
Victorian_MaleHatHider (
GetFamousMods): Disables the victorian costume hats for male sims.
ViewInsectsIncreasesHerbalism (
OutdoorRetreatMods): Viewing insects will give a small increase in herbalism skill.
VisiblePoliticalPositionTrait (
CityLivingMods): Makes the hidden political position trait visible for those who tend to forget their Sims political position (like me).
VisibleWeatherTemperatureTraits (
SeasonsMods): Makes the hidden temperature and weather preference traits visible.
WalkbyRainFix (
SeasonsMods): Sims walking by won't wear ridiculous outfit combinations when it's raining anymore. With version 2 Sims will actually choose boots and a raincoat.
WatchSpeechTweak (
CityLivingMods): Enhances the probabilities of Sims autonomously listening to a speech given at the podium that came with City Living. Sims will also sit while watching a speech and gain Charisma skill from it.
WeatherRunInsideTweak (
SeasonsMods): Your played sims won't run inside anymore when there is a storm on their home lot. Also, I added a test to the interactions so that Sims will not run inside when they are already inside.
WeirdoOverhaul (
CityLivingMods): Townie outfit fix: Prevents some of the weirdos in SanMyshuno (Wrestler/Hat and bathing suit combo).
WhimOverhaul (
MiscMods): This is an overhaul of the EA whim system which enhances the chances for family based whims and tunes down whims to buy new stuff. Disabled pet-related buy whims.
WoodenInstrumentsDisabled (
CityLivingMods): Disables the self made guitar and violin from being used at the performance stage.