I agree, MC Command is almost the be all, end all.
I do use a
Darker Loading Screen Mod, because I plan on being able to use my eyes for a little while longer, haha. The gray is really nice. It's nice for when I want to slip into the game a bit before bed, and don't want the white eye blast. I wish the forum had a "Sundown" color scheme as well. YouTube Black, anyone?
I have the
Shimrod All Beds Same Energy Mod. It was originally Shimrod's, but was updated by another modder, rial. The page is in Korean, but the actual download link is the 4th line down from the title and has a tiny green arrow to the right of it. It seems to be working fine. It does basically what is says, giving more decorating options for bedrooms without the Cheap Bed sore back moodlet popping up.
The Shimrod Woohoo Acceptance Mod is still working, as well. Who actually fist pumps before they do the do? :expressionless: This replaces that with Flirty animations. Good golly, I hope it never breaks.
LittleMsSam of MTS has several nice works. I use Sleep All Night so that Sims don't wake up at 4AM. Unlock Door For Chosen Sims is good for when you want to let Sims' friends in and are having certain doors locked. You don't have to keep unlocking and relocking them. No Tiny Harvestables keeps produce from shrinking down to almost microscopic size sometimes when you plop it onto a surface.
I have the Zerbu mod that allows you to change the locked lots, the Bluffs, Myshuno Meadows, etc, to different lot types. I don't have the linky, does anyone? He did retire his tumblr due to some sad happenings, but there was still one working link last I knew.
It's a real pain to play without the Simstopics Walk Styles Override, too. I just use the Have To Pee portion of this. It changes the pigeon-toed shuffle to a Jog. If I walked that slow when I had to go, I'd just give it up and buy Depends.
@stilljustme2, does that Keep Vampire Out Mod actually work? They were saying in the comments of the Mod that it didn't since the last patch. I deleted Vlad in my Test Save, I haven't had any vamp visits without the Mod and no Vlad. I don't care if they're around, I just don't want them visiting, ie, coming in without being invited, and feeding, in certain Saves.
@CyrusTheLoser, I use that Shimrod Less Smiling Mod, but think it may be causing lag, still investigating. Do you have City Living, and how does it do when you're in San Myshuno? It does really help with the crazed grinning.