@SFPBeech73, as someone who is not a hater I can explain you why personally I don't need the pride items in my game.
In real life Pride is something that helps the LGBT people accept themselves the way they are. Because they used to be considered as perverts or sinners (and still are, in some places in the world) when all they wanted was love. They needed to show it to the world and that's how the whole LGBT culture and its items and symbols have appeared.
But in the world of my game gay sims have never been mistreated or in danger. Their partner preferences were just a part of their whole taste, like some people are attracted to fat/fit/skinny people, tanned or pale people, bookworms or "bad boys" and so on. So I doubt they would even have the word "gay" in their vocabulary, it would be just "Sorry, I like men" or "I find you attractive, do you like guys?" and so on. And in case they've never ever been mistreated, they have just as many reasons to be proud of themselves as their hetero neighbours, not more, but not less. And it's not their preferences.
Ideally, I wish everyone would live in that world someday, because it's the key to the true equality. No one is mistreated, no one is celebrated. Unless you can do something very cool, I guess. :D
It's my version. Idk about the topic starter, but he doesn't owe you any explanations unless he wants to explain it.