Forum Discussion
@Magnecent Macs don't come with a third-party antivirus installed, so unless you or someone else downloaded one, that's not the issue.
Please create a new admin account on your Mac, which you can do through System Preferences > Users & Groups. Don't tie the account to iCloud (you can skip that step), and don't import any settings. Launch Origin and Sims 4 in the new account, which you can do without reinstalling anything, enable script mods and custom content, and quit. Download a fresh copy of MCCC or a TM mod and test it out.
Any time your computer asks you to grant Origin or Sims 4 access to something, say yes. Denying permissions may cause a repeat of the same issue.
Hi, cool I will try making a new admin account but how to I access admin preferences please?
- puzzlezaddict3 years agoHero+
@Magnecent System Preferences is an icon on the right side of the Dock, or you can open it by clicking the Apple icon in the upper-left corner and selecting System Preferences.
- 3 years ago
Hi, alright thanks, will do that now. Also, should I delete my main admin account before creating the new one ?
- puzzlezaddict3 years agoHero+
@Magnecent No, definitely do not delete your main admin account. It contains all your user data, both for the Sims 4 (saves, mods, etc.) and in general, and you might even have some applications installed into this user account's Applications folder rather than the main one.
You can have multiple admin accounts on the computer at the same time. The point of creating a new one is to see whether the problem carries over, which narrows down the underlying issue either way. If the problem is solved in the new account, you don't necessarily need to abandon the old one; we can just start looking into causes that would be specific to one account rather than global.
- 3 years ago
hi, so ive went to the apple icon on the left hand side of the screen but the only option is "system settings" and not "system preferences. ive clicked on system settings but it only brings me to the general settings. I can't find where the admin account is.
- puzzlezaddict3 years agoHero+
@Magnecent Then click "System Settings" instead, then Users & Groups. I'm still running Big Sur, so it's "System Preferences" for me. Here's a guide, in case it helps:
- 2 years ago
for some reason the Mac is not allowing me to create another admin account, when I do it keeps saying password does not match when I'm putting in the correct password that I use to unlock the Mac every time I want to use it
- puzzlezaddict2 years agoHero+
@Magnecent Are you sure you're currently using an admin account?
- 2 years ago
hey, yeah iam currently using an admin account. the admin account is the one I log into evrytime I want to use the iMac. for some reason I cannot create another admin account. I also have a guest account that is switched off
- puzzlezaddict2 years agoHero+
@Magnecent What happens when you try to create the admin account? Please post a screenshot of what you see. For example:
You can see that my current account is an Admin account (red arrow). And I've clicked the lock (red box) to allow changes on this screen, then clicked the + above it to add a new account.
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