Forum Discussion
11 Replies
- LaShunaW6 months agoNew Novice
I don't get an error message. I am currently checking my mods.
- kennysoo20082 months agoNew Rookie
I have the same problem too. I can't save my game or travel to other locations. The loading screen just stay there for hours, but nothing loaded or the save game can't be done. I can't close Sims 4 window at all unless I restart my PC. I tried to play the game without mods, it worked. May I know is my MCCC setting which made some sims' lifespan to be stopped age up, immortal or never be eliminated may cause this issue?
The attachments below are for your reference.
@kennysoo2008 More likely you have outdated relationship-related mods. Start at Broken/Updated Mods & CC , especially the Previously Updated list. I'm also happy to look at a list of your mods. Instructions on how to create that are at the end of How to Use Mods and CC . Please don't use a different method.
- kennysoo20082 months agoNew Rookie
Thanks for your answer. I did Crinrict’s method and deleted all the unconfirmed status mods and updated mobs in Scarlet Realm Mod List. There's another issues here. Although the game runs smoothly without delay for a day, the game was stuck again. The sims was unable to go back to police station from patrolling duty. I waited for 10 minutes, nothing happened.
Pretty Error CallStack (Click to expand/collapse)Mod Path Module Function Line Error select_candidates 118 <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.householdStoryArc_MoveOut'> __call__ 281 <story_progression.story_progression_candidate_selection.SelectHouseholdWithHomeCandidateFromDemographicListBasedOnCullingScoreFunction object at 0x00007FF40B2B6E50> <genexpr> 281 get_culling_score_for_sim_info 415 culling_service _get_culling_score_for_npc 448 culling_service @kennysoo2008 Please upload an actual exception file. See kennysoo20082 months agoNew Rookie
I had deleted all cache files and last exception files whenever I started the game. I think LUUMIA sliders mod, better exception and lotharihoe interaction mods corrupted my game. So far no LE report after I deleted these files. If I come across any other issues, I will contact you again. Thank you
@kennysoo2008 The current version of Better Exceptions is fine and can't corrupt a save. Luumia's height slider is broken but unlikely to be able to do that. Lotharihoe's Interaction Fame Fix is a simple bugfix mod that isn't going to corrupt a save.
If you upload a mod list, I can check for possible candidates for you.
- kennysoo20082 months agoNew Rookie@luthienrising,
This is the info that I can share with you. I have no idea about Better Exception, but I received LE report whenever start my game. I have a lot of CC. I know that some of them are broken, but it's hard to get an outdated CC list. What I can do is only fix them by selecting the outdated CC and the household. After that, I use S4TI to delete them. It's really troublemsome to keep a lot of CC Did you find the problem?
@SireTraore It's a problem with many possible causes. Mod-related ones are covered in the Mod/CC Issues master post
- kennysoo200819 days agoNew Rookie
I think one of the issues could be my device is unable to support a huge Sim population and also too many scripts.
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